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Which SCART sockets?

Toraz (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th March 2002, 23:13

my TV has 2 SCART sockets...SCART1=RGB SCART2=S-Video
at the present time i have VCR SCART output to SCART1(RGB)

now i`ve connected DVD SCART output to SCART2 on the TV but as this is a S-Video connector i get black and white picture unless i set DVD mode to video rather than RGB...
Q1. Will this make any difference?
Q2. If so should i just switch the DVD to SCART1(RGB) and VCR to SCART2(S-Video){what will this do to the video)
Q3. Get an S-Video out lead from DVD to SCART2(S-Video) on TV
Advice please!!!

RE: Which SCART sockets?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th March 2002, 23:24

Option (2) is your best bet. Even though the VCR won`t output an S-Video signal (it`s simply a composite signal), the picture shouldn`t be black and white. If it is, it maybe down to the TV "external" menu needing a flick over to disable the S-Video functionality of that particular SCART socket.

Your DVD player will make much better use of the RGB-enabled SCART, the VCR simply won`t be capable of using its excellent features !

Hope this helps

RE: Which SCART sockets?

Toraz (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 00:14

yes but if i take option 2 and swap the SCARTS around will this affect my stereo capabilities of my VCR?

RE: Which SCART sockets?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 00:47

Not at all. Any SCART lead or socket should be capable of handling a stereo audio signal, irrespective of picture type.

Hope this is helpful. :-)

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