Page 1 of JBL-333, anyone got any info on this one?

Hardware Forum

JBL-333, anyone got any info on this one?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2000, 19:21

Well, I just found out I can get a 333 donlby digital amp TWO HUNDRED QUID cheaper than I can buy from my store!

Even after Staff discount, thats a saving of £160!?!?!?!

I need a review of this soon guys, I only got a few days left to buy it!!!

AIWA 370 (And Dukey`s Hitachi) ROCKS!!!!!!

RE: JBL-333, anyone got any info on this one?

nev s (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2000, 21:56

HI! Jimbo,I would pass on the JBL if was,they tend to be better at speakers than electronics,if you are after a cheapish amp go for a denon or yamaha

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