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Scart Switch - stop crosstalk?

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th March 2002, 08:31

Got my new Panny 32" but the limit of 2 SCART sockets means that I have to use a multi Scart adaptor to allow the OnDigital box, DVD Player and VCR to all connect using Scart.

The current SCART adaptor I have is a dumb one with 4 in 1 out - NO Switching. However, with this I can see a ghost image - even if the other shared device is in Standby and not outputting a signal. I have tried different combos of sharing - DVD/VCR, DVD/OnDigital, VCR/Ondigital. In each instance the device connected direct to the TV is fine, but the when either of the two shared connection devices is switched on, I get this background ghost image.

Will a Switched Scart adaptor remove the ghosting? Argos / Index have some for a £10 - will these be good enough and will they have all the wiring neccesary to use RGB? Or will I need to spend a bit more? If so, can anyone recommend where I can buy a decent SCART switch.

Thanks in Advance.

This item was edited on Thursday, 14th March 2002, 08:31

RE: Scart Switch - stop crosstalk?

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th March 2002, 16:05

Harry, the afore mentioned argos switcher is actually quite good for a tenner. However, Maplins do a dual RGB capable splitter for the same price that seems slightly more robust overall.

I have used both before I got a twin RGB DVD palyer and to be honest both faired well. Try it, if no good take it back. I understand than you loose very little quality if you use quality interconnects.

By the way, if I were you I would go for set up like this -

DVD and Digital into splitter, splitter out into Panasonic AV1.

Digital into video, video out, into Panasonic AV2.

I hope this helps,


By the way, panasonic sets, in my experience suffer from a lot of ghosting if you leave a standard co-ax ariel in the old RF connector at the rear of the set. Also, this can cause a line to run either left or right across the screen. So, if poss - remove it.

This item was edited on Thursday, 14th March 2002, 16:07

RE: Scart Switch - stop crosstalk?

umern (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th March 2002, 11:05

Cheer pete.

Was in a rush so bought similar item from Index. Works fine except...
The Scart output lead is like 10cm long! Have to leave it dangling from the TV - not a good idea. It will be going back and will try one of the others which requires your own output Scart cable.

RE: Scart Switch - stop crosstalk?

stevenliv (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th March 2002, 15:16

I have exactly the same problem with my panasonic tv .I originally ordered a BT-22 switching device from for £12 +pp but then went to the manufacturers web site "B-tech" and got the same thing for £8.50---it works a treat --goodluck

RE: Scart Switch - stop crosstalk?

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th March 2002, 15:30

What site did you get the b-tech switcher from?

RE: Scart Switch - stop crosstalk?

stevenliv (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th March 2002, 15:53

B-tech are in Croyden .i can,t remember the web address but order it by phone on 8984 8535

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