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Thank you Nelly

pöb (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th November 2000, 01:40


I`ve been reading this forum for a few week now and finally decided yesterday which DVD player to buy.........

Yip........The Scan 2000 (new batch)

If it hadn’t been for your presence here and the comments of a bunch of DVD fans, I would probably have bought the first player I saw.

I ordered my machine on Wednesday morning and it arrived Thursday lunchtime, God it’s a sexy looking beast (the machine).

Everything set-up correctly as per the manual. Inserted my first DVD………..WOW…….love it.

Maybe its not the best music CD around but for the money I wouldn’t expect it to be, anyway it sounds great to me.

Again, Thanks to all who post here.

P.s. Nelly !! any chance I can get a copy of the CD with the new patch on it (wouldn’t know how to burn the file attached to an email)

P.p.s And good on you for having the guts to post in here

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