Page 1 of How to connect your DVD player

Hardware Forum

How to connect your DVD player

;-David (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th November 2000, 18:37

I often see questions about hooking up a DVD system.

I found the following info useful, so I thought I would pass it on.

Hope it`s some use to someone.

RE: How to connect your DVD player

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 15th November 2000, 14:13

Dammit! This guide doesn`t show where I plug my brain stem in. All the manuals for all my kit are just the same.

I suppose I need some sort of a TV to watch discs on instead?

RE: How to connect your DVD player

;-David (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th November 2000, 14:09

But I thought that all DVD Reviewer Columnists had been adapted for the optical interface, patched into the left hand optic nerve, via a little socket just behind the ear.

Isn`t that how you watch DVD`s in your sleep !! ;-)

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