Page 1 of Can you use an old Sky+ box with freesat?

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Can you use an old Sky+ box with freesat?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 1st September 2010, 16:26

I thought Sky stopped charging £10 a month for the priviledge of Sky+ a while ago, or is that just them waving it for people who bought packages?

And if so does it mean I can start using it on freesat without forking out cash?


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RE: Can you use an old Sky+ box with freesat?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 1st September 2010, 16:57

Seems I might be answering my own question here, apparently the answer is no, unless you patch the firmware on the box itself which can only be done with a JTAG connector that requires soldering, and I`m not sure I can be bothered!


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RE: Can you use an old Sky+ box with freesat?

nostalgiadvd (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st September 2010, 22:10

You can use any Sky box to view Freesat channels and it will in fact give you many more channels than a Freesat box will.
But you won`t be able to record them even with a Sky+ box.

The £10 charge for recording was scrapped years ago but it was on the condition you had some kind of Sky sub and it still is.

The HD sub is also still there ripping off Sky customers but you don`t need to pay it unless you have taken out a deal from Sky.

Get a box secondhand or wait until your 12 month sub is up and even without the Sky HD sub you can still get BBC HD , C4HD,ITV1HD ,FIVEHD ,Luxe HD and later this year BBC1HD too.

But once again , you need a sub to record them or you need a Freesat+ box

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