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Speakers : Anyone heard of .........

dec.. (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th January 2002, 13:18

I am looking to set a Theatre system together and for my budget I can get the Marantz dv4200 and sr4200 but I`ve left myself short for speakers. I have seen a speaker package called the Eltax Atomic 5.1 and was wondering does anyone know much about them. Does anyone have them and rate or unrate them ???
I`ve read a review from the Eltax site but its probably quite biased. I`ve read good reviews about the Marantz`s - Am I selling them short with these speakers ???
Also they are in my price region (special offer in Ieland £225 sterling) so any alternative suggestions ??
PS - Audio CD sound is a major factor

RE: Speakers : Anyone heard of .........

dec.. (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th January 2002, 14:48

Sorry - I got my figures wrong - thats £160 Sterling

RE: Speakers : Anyone heard of .........

Zorba H (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th January 2002, 15:03

Eltax are a danish company making a range of pretty good speakers but as with any hi-fi you are looking at, listen to it, if you like the sound, buy it.

RE: Speakers : Anyone heard of .........

geoff g. (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th January 2002, 21:42

you could try richer sounds web site, or visit one of their stores you can try before you buy. as with all speakers it is best to hear them first, eltax from what i have heard about them they are fairly good. and think about buying good quality speaker leads. and also postion can help as well.

RE: Speakers : Anyone heard of .........

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th January 2002, 22:11

I`m pretty sure there`s a review of the Atomic set at

RE: Speakers : Anyone heard of .........

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th January 2002, 07:50

Also try for them - their prices are generally pretty good, but not sure about shipping costs to Eire. Alternatively as suggested above, Richer Sounds major on these speakers - I`m sure there`s a store in Dublin, and maybe Cork(?). Website prices are often cheaper than the shops, but don`t forget carriage.
If I were you, I`d definitely stick with the Marantz amp (or something similar) - it will stand you in good stead for a long while, and if you buy a cheapish set of speakers, if you feel the urge you can sell on and upgrade without too much financial loss. You`d probably need to spend quite a bit more on speakers (£100 or so) to get "up a rung", and that wouldn`t leave you much for the amp, so I`d do what you are doing, and getting a decent amp, which will get the most out of whatever speakers you connect to it.
I suppose you could save on the DVD player, but the Marantz has excellent reviews, and will work well as a CD player as well as for DVDs, so you`re building yourself a hifi as well as a home cinema system. [EDIT just noticed your mention on CD sound - definitely stick with the Marantz or something of that calibre - but make sure it`s multi region!]

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th January 2002, 07:56

RE: Speakers : Anyone heard of .........

dec.. (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 17th January 2002, 17:10

All the stores I`ve checked with over here (including Richersounds Ireland)do not sell chipped players as it voids the warranty. I`ve checked with the Region Hacks section on this forum and I don`t see one for the Marantz dv4200 - Does anyone know if there is one ????

RE: Speakers : Anyone heard of .........

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th January 2002, 17:24

Just been Googling....
Try - not sure if it`s the precise same model, but might be worth investigating...

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