paulmcp(Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th January 2002, 09:51
I have a toshiba 32wd98b and have noticed its image get worse as time has went on. The screen in filled with pixellisation (small quarter inch blocks) all over whenever watching SKY or DVDS.
I have called Toshiba and thye seemed aware of the issue and refered me to my dealer....
Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how was it resovled ?
RE: TOSHIBA 32 WD98B - screen image
Mark1ace1(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th January 2002, 11:52
Toshiba have a thing for passing the buck and this problem as been around for ages with apparently no end in sight, get rid of it and try a Philips or Sony at least you can expect some more reliable performance....