Page 1 of CyberHome problem - can you help?

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CyberHome problem - can you help?

TV Chris (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 31st October 2001, 18:13

Help! I have just bought my first DVD Player - the Cyber Home AD-L528 - and although it will play 3 discs perfectly, anything else I try to play has reeeeally dark colours and flares up brightly at random moments during the disc ... As a DVD virgin I can`t tell whether or not I`m doing something wrong - but as 3 of my discs play fine, what could it be? Has anybody else out there experienced a similar problem?

Could it be because I am SCARTing through a video down an aerial line into a TV? I end up watching discs on the AV channel of the video - is this a No-No?

Any advice welcome - having come so close to heaven this is so frustrating!

RE: CyberHome problem - can you help?

chrisd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 31st October 2001, 21:40

Could be that as you`re going thru your VCR the macrovision is kicking in which disrupts the recording of most DVD`s (see previous threads on this subject). Try connecting the scart from your DVD player direct into your TV and all should be ok. Re the 3 discs played perfectly, could be these discs were not macrovision protected?

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