Page 1 of Lite-on 5045 - Playing Video-tape to record on HDD

Hardware Forum

Lite-on 5045 - Playing Video-tape to record on HDD

Tiger1924 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th November 2006, 23:04

Please can you help?

Persuaded to buy this model, was told that it was possible to transfer my Video tapes onto DVD by copying them onto the HDD and then (after edit) bung `em on a DVD!

The Instruction Book is terrible...have had to make many phone calls to Liteon to clarify points, but it does not mention this.

Anyone any advice pse on how to achieve the goal of what this piece of kit was bought for? (BTW, am not a techie or over-knowledgeable with this stuff!! so I need it in plain English!!) :/

RE: Lite-on 5045 - Playing Video-tape to record on HDD

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2006, 08:30


Are you looking to transfer home-recorded VHS tapes or original copy-protected ones? Both are possible.

At the risk of sounding rude, you would benefit greatly from signing up with the Liteon users forum, here:

There we can help you sort out a macro-free firmware to allow copying of original VHS tapes if required plus loads of other useful tips and tricks specifically for your machine. And it`s all completely free. 8)

Basically you need to connect a VHS recorder to the Liteon using a SCART lead, select the SCART source on the Liteon to bring the VHS picture up onscreen, select HDD (as opposed to DVD) and copy away. Obviously you need to press play on the VCR and Record on the Liteon to go.

Hopefully I`ll see you on our specialist forum. I`m sure it won`t be long before you have warmed to your new investment. ;)

Some say I`m from Biddenden. Some say my name`s Sue. Some say I`m really Marge on a mission.

RE: Lite-on 5045 - Playing Video-tape to record on HDD

justin99 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2006, 08:54

Once your disc is burnt/finalised will it then play or can it be copied again on a pc?

RE: Lite-on 5045 - Playing Video-tape to record on HDD

Tiger1924 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2006, 09:23

Many tks...did as you suggested and signed up for the forum. But as this my first time, floundering a bit on "How" to do lots of reading to do.

Because we are in a weird location, the TV installers have got a mass of wires and connectors at the back of the TV. I have to rely on them to ensure that all is connected properly for the TV/Sky Box/VCR/Lite-on to work properly. So no chance of me poking my nose in to try to ensure connectors in right sockets etc....

Once used to using the forum hope to post and meet others.
Tks for help.

RE: Lite-on 5045 - Playing Video-tape to record on HDD

Tiger1924 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2006, 09:26

Hi Justin99,
Sri not got as far as that....can`t get to the position of playing my (own) VCR tapes and copying them to the HDD for edit.
But tks for input.

RE: Lite-on 5045 - Playing Video-tape to record on HDD

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2006, 09:38

Once your disc is burnt/finalised will it then play or can it be copied again on a pc?

Yes you can then copy again on a pc if required. Best format of disc to use for this is DVD+RW - then you can erase it on the Liteon and use it again. :)

Tiger1924 - I look forward to seeing you on the other forum. You`ll soon spot me - I`m a mod over there! ;)

Some say I`m from Biddenden. Some say my name`s Sue. Some say I`m really Marge on a mission.

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