Page 1 of Jenoptic MBO DVD 916 DVD player - any good?

Hardware Forum

Jenoptic MBO DVD 916 DVD player - any good?

Paul H (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 25th October 2001, 21:47

I noticed today that Safeway are selling a dvd player called the Jenoptic MBO DVD 916 for £99.99. It looks quite slim in build and silver in colour, quite smart!

I personally have never heard of this particular player, but I know that Jenoptic manufacture cameras.

I was just wondering if anyone knows if it is multi-regional (either out of the box, or through a handset hack) and if it converts the signal to the TV from NTSC to PAL.

I have ordered a Cyberhome 528 machine from, but that was almost two weeks ago now, and I am getting a bit fed up f waiting. Therefore I am fairly interested to hear if anyone out there knows anything about this Jenoptic machine.

Any advice would be most gratefully received.

Many thanks, Paul H.

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