Info and forum posts by 'Paul H'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 8th October 2001, 17:31, Last used: Monday, 8th October 2001, 17:31

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Aberdeen FC supporter

Enjoy pop, rock and dance music

Enjoy films

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: £100 dvd player - any suggestions?

I would recommend the Dansai 852, £99.45 from Tesco.

It is multiregional with a hack (obtained from the region hack forum), macrovision free and plays VCDs and MP3`s (not sure about CD-R/RW`s).

The picture and sound is brilliant, just as good (if not better than) as much more expensive players. It is slim and silver, and looks very nice (unlike players like the Cyberhome 528, which is very bulky).

Therefore, I would have no problem in recommending this fantastic player.
I have already tried 3 other machines over the last few months.

Cheers, Paul.

RE: Dansai 852 - availability

Thanks scotbruce,

I have been looking for this DVD player ever since there was a handset multiregion hack for it.

I had looked in the Tesco in Aberdeen, but they did not have any, with none coming in too.

I must admit, I never thought of the Inverurie store having DVD players.

Anyway, I went up and bought one today, used the handset hack and works perfectly. The picture and sound is of the same quality as other much more expensive players that I have bought.

My DVD player search is over. Thanks also to those talented people who looked and eventually found this handset hack.

Thansk again, Paul.H.

RE: Your views please


I bought a CH 528 from Unbeatable last week. It was multi-regional with the handset hack, but it made a loud whinning noise when playing films which was really annoying. I have researched this, and it appears that quite a lot of these player are prone to background noise when playing films.

I therefore had no option other than to send it back. I am now thinking of buying an LG 3200E. You can buy one for £129.99 + p&p from the Toys`r`us web site. It seems to have good reviews from the many satisfied buyers and has a handset hack.

Here is a link to a review of this player:

Hope this helps you Dusty,

Paul. H.

RE: Thanks for Nothing Lidl

I also have a problem with Lidl.

They advertised the DVD player as silver or black, showing a silver machine. However, in all the local stores in my area they were only selling black machines!

I have been looking around for a silver, multi-regional dvd player for around £100 - 130 for a few months now, and I thought that this could be the one!

I have already tried the Dansai from Tesco. It was silver, looked good, showed a good picture, but there was not a reliable multi-regional hack.

I then bought a Cyberhome 528.It was silver, had a multi-regional hack but when playing a disk made a load, whinning noise! I was told by the company that some of the 528`s made `a little noise` when playing a disk!

Therefore, I am still looking......any more suggestions would be most grateful.

Thanks, Paul.H

RE: Hack for the Dansai 852, please!

Aguaz and Steve, Thanks guys for all your investigation work. Aguaz, I was not implying that you were wasting my time, but I really can`t get this particular disk to play.

I tried the multi-regional hack on a region 1 version of `Sleepy Hollow`. After keying in the hack I could access the menu and all the extras (trailers, etc). However, whenever I tried to play the movie, or access it from the chapter selection, a message popped up on the screen telling me that the disk was incompatible with the player. I did try this several times.

However, I put in a region 4 `Star Wars, Phantom Menace` disk, and it played straight away, WITHOUT the hack!!!

I also ordered a Cyberhome AD-L528. It plays the `Sleepy Hollow` disk, but there is a rather load whirring noise when it plays a disk.

The Dansai does seem like a better machine, but I am a bit worried about it not playing this particular region 1 disk.

I really do not know which player to keep!!!

Thanks, Paul.H.

RE: Hack for the Dansai 852, please!

Thanks for replying Steve,

I have to be honest and say not really. I am not too good when it comes to looking inside electrical equipment.

I was really just wondering if there was a quick and easy way to make it multi-regional from the handset.

If there is no easy way around this problem I will just take it back to Tesco, and then buy a Cyberhome AD-L528 for £99.99 from WH Smith.

Thanks, Paul.H

Hack for the Dansai 852, please!

I bought the Dansai 852 from Tesco yesterday.

I had noticed on the Bargain Bucket forum that some people had found that it was multi-regional out of the box, and one guy had found a temporary hack for the machine.

Unfortunatly, the one I bought was neither multi-regional out of the box or with the hack. I tried the hack several times with a region 1 copy of `Sleepy Hollow` without any success.

Does anyone know a hack that would work on this machine.....if they do I would be most grateful to find out because it plays region 2 disks with great picture and sound.

Cheers, Paul H.

Jenoptic MBO DVD 916 DVD player - any good?

I noticed today that Safeway are selling a dvd player called the Jenoptic MBO DVD 916 for £99.99. It looks quite slim in build and silver in colour, quite smart!

I personally have never heard of this particular player, but I know that Jenoptic manufacture cameras.

I was just wondering if anyone knows if it is multi-regional (either out of the box, or through a handset hack) and if it converts the signal to the TV from NTSC to PAL.

I have ordered a Cyberhome 528 machine from, but that was almost two weeks ago now, and I am getting a bit fed up f waiting. Therefore I am fairly interested to hear if anyone out there knows anything about this Jenoptic machine.

Any advice would be most gratefully received.

Many thanks, Paul H.

Looking for inexpensive multiregion DVD player

Can anyone help me?

I am looking for a DVD player that costs around or less than £150, but is multiregion and that I can record the DVD onto a VHS cassette....I beleive it is called macrovision free.

I was trying to buy the ALBA 104 that ha been recommended, but it is only sold by Argos when the ALBA 113 is out of stock. I enquired about buying one, but both Argos in Aberdeen only stocked the 113.

I am also looking for a widescreen, flatscreen 28" TV....any ideas

Thanks, Paul.H