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Pioneer 727 setup?

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 21st October 2000, 20:39

Evening all, can anyone help please?
I`ve bought a Pioneer 727 and the company that supplied it has changed the default text screen to be an advert for their company. I can`t seem to find how to change this in the manual. Anyone know of any info on it? Hidden menu`s etc.
(ps I`d like it to say, Jim`s DVD of course!!)

RE: Pioneer 727 setup?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st October 2000, 23:51

Surely there`s a screen saver change option on it somewhere, Jim ? Incidentally, how many discs have you crammed into it so far ?

RE: Pioneer 727 setup?

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 22nd October 2000, 01:09

The `advert` is on the players own text screen not the telly!
About 160 DVD`s so far.
Check your mail!

RE: Pioneer 727 setup?

slocko (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd January 2001, 19:48

Hi Jim.

did you get this fixed? just curious. do you know of anyway to backup the info that you`ve spent countless of hours entering into this wonderful player?



ps. Do you of any remote control codes and which universal remote supports it?

Thxs. again.

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