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SVideo problems

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 19:57

WHen I connect my dvd player to scart 2 of my TV I get a checkerboard effect over the picture!

anyone know why?

The scart 2 socket does support SVHS.

RE: SVideo problems

Mick Golby (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 20:11

I hate to ask the obvious, but does your dvd player output SVHS via the scart. Some only output RGB or Composite. I`ve had this problem with a Schneider 810 so have had to go back to scart 1 on my telly. Unless you`ve got a separate SVHS output on your DVD you may be stuffed.

RE: SVideo problems

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 21:58

I know it`s no comparison but my 450 has a habit of `forgetting` that I`ve selected S-VIDEO as the output from SCART. Not that I`m in anyway shape or form comparing your mighty beast to my wimpy little fiend...

RE: SVideo problems

home_bas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 22:01

this could be patronising, but is the TV scart set up for S-Video? sometimes you have to manually set it from RGB/standard composite....

RE: SVideo problems

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 00:11

I have set the DVD player to SVideo as if it where still RGB the scart 2 picture would be black & white.

The manual with this TV is s***e compared to the 505:) manual, it show lots of nice pictures but explains nothing.

What it does do is show a diagram of each scart socket and what each pin function does, the second scart contains chrominance & Luminance which is SVideo.

SO it should play ok.

I am having a bastard of a time getting my Video to see my DVD`s Picture via the TV.

Forget about connecting the DVD to scart2`s svideo, here is my original setup.

TV scart1(AV/RGB) = DVD player
TV scart2(AV/SVHS) = VCR

Now when I select AV on my video I get a jump blue screen no DVD picture coming through.

On my old sony 21" the menu was brilliant, you could select each Video socket, and select the required input & output.


RE: SVideo problems

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 00:19

Mick I think your right about SVideo, the 505 requires you to use the Svideo connector for it.


HITACHI 505 ROCKS!!!!!!!

RE: SVideo problems

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 00:27

Sorry to ask the bleedin` obvious here - I`m concerned about your picture when you set VCR to AV. Are you saying that you also have a SCART between the 505 and the VCR (ie into one of the two AV sockets on the VCR). If so the problem might be your video not your telly. Can you configure each SCART on your 505 ? If so is the one going to the VCR on S-VIDEO as well or is that RGB ? Or am I completely missing the point and you`re going to tell me you`ve got a digibox/cablebox too ? I`m trying...I really am (that`s what most people say, I`m very trying)....OOPS you`ve solved it....sorry for wasting your time !!! Blimey, you`ve gotta be quick on this site !

This item was edited on Friday, 20th October 2000, 00:29

RE: SVideo problems

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 01:18

No clayts my crappy £70 lg with no video plus has only one scart!

(stop laughing clayts)

The 505 has only one scart too, but on my old Sony TV I could configure the TV to Accept RGB(scart1) as the Input from my DVD and Tell it to output The screen picture to scart 2 vcr.

it is really p***ing me off.


RE: SVideo problems

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 10:58

Dunno whether this`ll help at all : When Home Entertainment reviewed the 510 (admittedly not the same model but I`m sure the principles are the same) they mention that to install the channels you have to hold the MENU button down on the remote for about 5 seconds. However, this may only be to set the channels, rather than configuring your SCARTs. Worth a look tho` And why would I laugh at your LG video ? I`ve got a Sanyo and the picture`s TERRIBLE !!!

RE: SVideo problems

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 16:58

Yes I have done that just lets you install the channels, auto or manual and set a dedicated av channel to each tv channel.

My old sony gave you a diagram of the TV and you could actually tell it what av is going to the screen and what av to send the screen picture to, if you know what I mean. Pretty cool.

I am going to get a video with twin scart, I will connect my dvd player to the video & connect the video to the TV.

Will I loose RGB input to the TV?
DO most modern vcr`s scart sockets carry the RGB signal?


sanyo vcr!
sorry clayts:)

This item was edited on Friday, 20th October 2000, 17:02

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