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Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 10:18

Anyone tried this combination yet. My mate has tried the disc on two players and it makes them go mental. Almost as if infected by a computer virus! He is getting a refund on the disc and not a replacement so we will not know if it is isolated or not.....
Blade R1 is perfect btw

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 12:30

I think many of this forum would say you`ve sent the wrong product back there, Jim ! See below for many many more tales of woe. Outcome - don`t believe the hype, especially in the DVD press...

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 12:38

I have been offered a full refund on the Yelo, is it the general opinion then that I should take it?

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 12:55

I couldn`t make that decision for you mate - if you read below you will see the kinds of problems people have been having with the Yelo. The problem with this game is that what seems like a fantastic offer comes along - we all get sucked into the hype and then gnash our teeth when we realise it really doesn`t live up to our expectations. General consensus on this site is that you`re better off buying a Wharfedale 750S from - 28 day chuck-back policy if you hate it, or the Lecson 900 from Debenhams also with a return policy. However, this DVD player business ain`t an exact science unfortunately. And I can`t talk - I`m lumbered with an Encore DV450, which I paid £175 for on release for the same reason, no doubt, that you bought the Yelo - it was good at the time...There`s yet another coupla new kids on the block - the Cyber player at WHSmith (£129) and the Alba 103 (from Argos/Toys R Us)

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 12:56

I too had problems loading Blade R2. At first I would just get a `Disc Error`, then I would get masses of digital break-up probably just are you are seeing.

I did get it to load eventually though. Just let the player warm up to it`s normal operating temperature (50°C) and then repeatedly reload the disk whilst banging your head on the nearest hard surface. It should load after about a dozen attempts. Be wary of the fancy menus though as they can cause a complete lock-up.

In short, take the money and run.

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 13:40

I`ll take all of your advice thank you and get my money back.
I think I will keep my Pioneer 414 after all. Or is there a new Pioneer on the block worthy of considering.
Thanks for all your advice I do appreciate it.

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 15:38

You`re more than welcome Jim. This is a great site for honesty and integrity amongst us DD fans. I think the idea of IT Troll banging his head on the nearest flat surface woud make me return the Yelo too!
As for your Pioneers the release info is as follows:
Replacements for the 626D and 525 are to be, imaginatively, the 636D and the 535. There is also to be a new non-optical output player called the 530-something. Dunno about exact dates. Of course, if you`re really flush you could go for the top of the range ones : DVAX10 (£3500), DV939A (£1200) or the DV737 (replacement for 717 at £650). Dream on, eh ?
Expect there`s a pioneer website that someone will know about...

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 00:05

Cheers mate, looking at the 727 actually. Will hold 300 DVD`s.
Anyone seen or used one? There`s a shop in Leicester (about 20 miles from me), no names no advertising, selling it modded for £599.
Sounds reasonable.

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 00:38

Hold the phone Jim. Look at (in November`s issue - should be in the shops now)they`ve just reviewed the Pioneer PDF1009 which is £250. And it holds 301 discs (just in case you want to buy one more). Dunno about mods tho`....Trying to rack my brains about what company in Leicester it is - used to live in Lufbra, now Notts

This item was edited on Friday, 20th October 2000, 00:39

RE: Yelo 800 DVD player and Blade R2

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 09:01

All I`ll say is they are `magic`
email me if you want, doowmij[at]ku.oc.esilatot and we can natter some more.
ps just had a look, is it just a CD player? the 727 is a DVD player???

This item was edited on Friday, 20th October 2000, 09:32

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