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Plasma Help 42%R

taff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th June 2006, 08:17

I am based in Germany with the Army, I`m convincing the wife about getting a plasma TV, What size and Make would you recomend? as i`m over here I can get the tax off. What would the Uk prices be?

RE: Plasma Help 42%R

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th June 2006, 11:32

Sorry for the late reply. You have left it way to open for me to answer. I don`t know what room size you are in. I could say you want a 50" but if you are in a room 10x11` a 37" would be beter. Have you any bounderies on budget? I could say get the new 1080P 50" Pioneer, but it is over £5k so if you only have £2k then it is no good.

Another quick one, You are based in germany but are over hear (UK) at the mo, yes? If that is the case why would you get it taxt fee? I thought you have to be leaving the EU within 3 months of the purchase and the last time I looked Germany was very much in the EU. Is there some Army tax break you get for been based abroad?

Dr 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Plasma Help 42%R

taff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th June 2006, 12:40

I currently live in Germany, so thats how we get the german (16%) tax off, there seem to be a lot of bargins, but most of the makes I have never heared of. My next door neighbour Has just bought a 42" LG for £820 tax free. he Thinks thats a bit big (room 12ft x 12ft) and I noticed a bit of blurring while watching the football. I will be watching Sky on it, but we can`t upgrade to Sky HD as we are in Germany and if Sky found that out they would cut us off. I`ve seen a Pioneer, Sony and Yamaha on HD (German channels) and they looked fantastic, but they were 42"-50". I will have around £1-1.5k to spend. The pioneer and sony were around £1200 but the Yamaha was £2000. What make has the best Screens.

RE: Plasma Help 42%R

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th June 2006, 21:40

taff - I was recently in your position (looking to buy a new Plasma Screen):

I did a lot of research/reading up, and finally bought the Panasonic TH-42PX60B (just under £1500). I`m really pleased with it - I haven`t got HD (yet!), but the picture from my Sky Plus box (using a Scart lead) is fantastic - no motion blurring or anything. And the dvd picture is also superb (and I only sit about 8ft away). I would say the "standard" picture is just as good - if not better - than my previous 36" CRT tv. It`s also available in a 37" model (which is just over £1200) if you preferred. :)

This item was edited on Saturday, 17th June 2006, 22:44

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