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Help - what`s my best set up?

Paul Hallsworth (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th September 2001, 21:26

My tv has 2 scart sockets. I want to connect my dvd player, vcr, and sky digibox.
With the use of an adaptter I have dvd and sky connected to av1 and vcr to av2 at present. However, when I want to record (say bbc) on vcr it affects picture on av1 so I cannot watch dvd`s or sky.

Yours, completely lost, but knowing there will be a simple answer...


RE: Help - what`s my best set up?

Britman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th September 2001, 22:47

You shouldn`t need an adaptor. I have Cable TV, VCR and DVD and only use 2 scarts. You`re Sky should be connected to you`re VCR and that to you`re TV using only 1 scart then you`re DVD using the other. Now I`m not totally up to speed on how the Sky digibox works. Have a look in the manual. Do you have you`re RF (Arial) connected to?

Hope this helps.


RE: Help - what`s my best set up?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2001, 11:55

In my experience you should try and have as many direct connections to your TV as possible. I had picture problems with my DVD when looping it through my SKY box.
I now have SKY scart direct to AV1, and DVD scart direct to AV2.These are the 2 most watched items so they`re my priority. My video is still connected by only by the RF cables. You can still tape everything, and playback,but obviously the picture isn`t great. Hell, it`s only ever East-frigging-enders that she uses the video for anyway so who cares !
One other tip for you. Difficult to explain but here goes.I noticed once that my SKY and DVD picture went all grainy if my video was on standby but improved when it was switched on. I knew this wasn`t right and it took me ages to figure it out. It was down to what ` background ` channel the TV was on ( the channel that the TV goes back to if you come off AV1 or 2 ).
If the TV was on the video playback channel ( channel 0 on my TV ) then the picture was bad. Making sure the ` background ` channel is 1,2,3 or 4 and end of problem ! Immaculate picture on both AV sockets !
I don`t pretend to understand why it does this. It just does, but it`s easy prevented.
Hope this helps

RE: Help - what`s my best set up?

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2001, 15:07

slight off topic here but i have a similar vcr issue with channel5
If my vcr is on i can`t get channel 5, if i turn my vcr off it appears!!!!.

RE: Help - what`s my best set up?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2001, 15:09

Believe me.....
You`re not missing anything...

RE: Help - what`s my best set up?

Paul Hallsworth (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2001, 21:33

Thanks everyone for the advice. Having also picked some brains at work I think I have sussed it out now. Now I`ve got to explain the it to the missus ;-)

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