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toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

Beth (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th August 2001, 09:17

i`ve decided to purchase the tosh210e multi region from richer sounds, has anybody done the same, if so does it come macrovision disabled ?
Also i believe richer do end of line stuff, is the 210e to be end of lined?
or is this no longer the case

RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th August 2001, 13:47

I think Richer have the mutliregion upgrades done via these guys:
Looking at the site, it looks like they just do a multiregion upgrade, with no ability to disable macrovision. To get RCE discs to play, you will need to insert a non RCE R1 disk, take it out again, then insert the RCE R1 disk. A bit of a pain, but I don`t know if other places do a better multiregion upgrade for this player.

It may be worth looking in to an alternative mutliregion supplier. Try and - both offering the 210 for £190 or so, and claiming full mutliregion. May be worth contacting them and getting the full lowdown.

I bought a macro disabled player, but have yet to bother using it... and remember that there`s always the Sonel macbuster cable you can get for around £20

Richer do do end of line stuff, but not exclusively.

RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th August 2001, 16:08

It would surprise me if the 210e is treated as end of the line as it has barely been out for a month or two. Personally I own this machine after owning LG and Samsung players I can honestly say that it is far and away a better machine. Both sound and video are outstanding.

Undoubtedly, someone will tell you other wise. Also, note that this alleged noisey drive is only really people complaining because there is nothing else to moan about it.

hope this helps.

try as well.


RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

shnozzer (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th August 2001, 18:07

oi wiley,
i`m not moaning bout mi noisy drive cos i`ve nothin else to moan bout,i`m moanin cos its bloody noisey!

RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

phlogiston (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th August 2001, 22:34

I`ve been trying to get one from Richer too. In Cardiff they get deliveries on a Wednesday. Last week they said they had some in the warehouse. This week they said they were changing the plugs to Euro and to ring back in a week or two.!! If you want it multi-region and macro disabled DVDMagic. com do it for £219. I fancy Richer because the extended guarantee is so good but I`m not going to wait forever. Postings on their internet site put me off trying that. Just as well I got that cheap Proline to keep me afloat while I wait

RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

Fotty (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th August 2001, 00:21

I bought a black (more about this later), multi-region SD210 last Thursday, from Richer Sounds in Cambridge. I am not amused.

My mate has just asked me if it is RCE compatible and being new to the game, I admitted I didn`t ask. I`ve just checked the Richer Sounds website, to see if there were any clues but they`re not telling.

I also notice my new purchase has dropped £42 in price, since LAST week. For some bizarre reason, only the black version (not silver) has dropped to £187.95. I`ll be ringing them tomorrow and I`ll also ask the question about RCE. Will keep you folks posted.

Incidentally, the machine is great.

RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th August 2001, 10:12

Mine arrived this week

FYI i could only find two suppliers in the uk that provided this player with
Multiregion, rce, macrovision removed, which is what i wanted.
These were:

I bought mine from techtronics £224 but dvdmagic are cheaper at £219.


RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

phlogiston (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 1st September 2001, 22:57

Finally gave in and bought one from Sevenoaks in Cardiff nice machine. Cost about £20 quid more, I think What HiFi naming it best budget model pushed me over the edge.

RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

Beth (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 08:45

Well I finally went ahead and purchased the 210e silver from Nigel at Sound & Vision. Managed to get this for £189 inc next day delivery.They price matched Electo Centre who are advertising the 210e at £179, didn`t buy from electro centre as they seem to have an `ATTITUDE` problem.
Richer sounds prices are confusing - they advertise cheap on the web but shop price much more expensive - over £200.
Never having had a DVD before I`ve nothing to compare the 210 against but they picture quality and sound are fantastic
Thanks to everybody for your help and advice

RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 13:12

Nice to hear how you got on in the end - enjoy!

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