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Advice needed re digital recorder

ZodKneelsFirst (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th January 2006, 13:20

I very stupidly knackered my Toshiba RD XS30 at the weekend and am looking to replace it.

I quite like the look of the Hitachi DS161E as it does most things the old one can do and seems to be region hackable.

My question is - I have a lot of stuff from the XS30 temporarily downloaded onto DVD-RAM; will I be able to play this on the Hitachi, or will it just treat it as unkown file types, like my PC does?


RE: Advice needed re digital recorder

wing_chun (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th January 2006, 14:30

check the spec first a good place is here there are pleanty to check on and the spec is very detailed this is where i check spec not nessarsary where i buy but its a good place to start
tea is the music that fills the cup of silence

the memory of you blooms like a flower in the garden of my heart

RE: Advice needed re digital recorder

ZodKneelsFirst (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th January 2006, 22:07

Sorry, I don`t think I`ve made myself quite clear.

The Hitachi has a DVD-RAM drive on it, but will I still be able to play video saved from my old machine to DVD-RAM, or is there anything about... Oh bloody hell this is hard to explain.

I think (manual in pidgin English so not sure) that the titles on the DVD-RAM will have been recorded in DVD-VR mode. So does the disc just store the titles and the machine displays them with its own menu etc. Or is there something proprietary about the way it will have stored the titles which makes them unwatchable on other manufacturer`s machines?

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