Page 1 of Separates or "out of the box" for £300?

Hardware Forum

Separates or "out of the box" for £300?

Happybunny (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th August 2001, 21:39

Hi guys. Superb site, fascinating forum. My turn to ask for your sage advice :-)

I`ve had an LG3350 since Jan, and been saving towards a surround system. I reckon that within the next few months I can spend around £300 (by the Jan sales at the latest - whole house to renovate / decorate makes saving slow, alas).
DTS is a must (noticable difference at the cinema, imho), so I started by thinking of Digitheater DTS or (after reading this forum for a while) Yamaha VS-10, but I would really rather go the separates route - more scope for upgrades later, and for "tinkering". (I love to tinker, hence the 6 computers surrounding me in various states of constructino - sad, aren`t I :-o )

So - the QUESTION - can I get a speaker package and dts a/v amp for £300(ish) to sound as good as a VS-10? All advice welcome.

Why ask now? Well, looking on the forum, I see QED ( have ELTAX STARGATE X.1 SUB+5 SPKS SILVER for £109. They look smart, are small (a big plus) and are on other sites for £300 and more. I could buy these now and get the amp in a few months if they are any good, and this is the bargain it seems.

RE: Separates or

Westy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th August 2001, 22:15

Hi happy,

Put it this way,you can shell out silly money on those Eltax speakers(ill upset all concerned here by saying that after a listen at Richer Sounds-they is well nasty!),or plump for the Yamaha VS10 system for 300 bucks.The vs10 is superb for the money and has everything you need to get started. As you`re renovating your house,if you upgrade to full seperates based kit later-you can always move the Lg/Yammy combo to another room.Honestly,the vs10 offers great performance that will knock spots off the Eltax speakers you mention.
Read my review of the vs 10 at Clayts` website- head for the home cinema section to see what i thought.

All the best with your purchase(whatever it may be!)


RE: Separates or

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th August 2001, 22:36

Have you not considered the Sony HTK 215. I have this connected to my LG3350. The amp is very small compared to others I`ve seen but it serves its` purpose and the speakers are also very small but these can be upgraded. The sound is very impressive and it`s DTS as well as 5.1. I`m very impressed with mine. Mind you I didn`t audition any other models.
Good luck.

RE: Separates or

spenny (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 21st August 2001, 00:21

happybunny & rockysafc,

I don`t have an HTK 215 but I have the HTK 315 and I upgraded my speakers to Mission 702e for fronts, Mission 70c1 centre, kept the Sony sub and Eltax Monitor 3`s for rear (left over from previous system) and it sounds fantastic. Suits my budget and size of room. The only problem is i`m left with 4 almost brand new Sony satellite speakers, for sale anyone!!!

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