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Hardware Forum

toshiba 36` tv

smaz (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 18:14

hi there has anyone out there brought the new toshiba 36` tv the picture frame one, not sure of the model number, i got a quick glance at it recently but as with most retailers it was showing a poor terristial picture that had a weak signal so not very good and did not want to ask for a demo to spare myself the uninformed sales pitch from some teenager keen on commision, espiecially as i can get it for £14,984 from QED electrical which i think is the cheapest poss price,
thanks for any help

RE: toshiba 36` tv

J B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 18:38

£14,984 thats one pricey tv, you should be able to get it cheaper than that, in fact i`ll do you a special favour and get you one for £10,000 if you want?.

RE: toshiba 36` tv

smaz (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th August 2001, 19:05

yeah my fingers move toooooooo quick sometimes
the real price is £1,498 at QED just to set the record straight

RE: toshiba 36` tv

J B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th August 2001, 22:01

To late smaz, ive already ordered it for you. I`ll need the full 10,000 from you as soon as possible.


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