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Hardware Forum
A similar query to a recent thread - can anyone help!
I am looking for suggestions as to which route to travel. Should I go for a PVR, a DVD Recordable or a combo ?
I am already on NTL cable, so I don`t need a Freeview connection. I sometimes record on the bedroom video and playback on the living room video. Am I correct in thinking a PVR would not help me here? (ie recordings are not transferable as in video)
Whichever route I go, I would need connections (scart?) suggestions. Does one method have better (more) than the other?
If I go DVD recordable, should I wait until HDD is more widely available?
Help pleeze!!
IMHO just get a cheap DVD-RAM recorder and wait.
NTL will be releasing their own 3 tuner PVR next year, this should interface with the EPG properly. Very few of the avaliable PVR/DVD machines interface with NTL STBs at all without messing about, and AFAIK None of them read the EPG.
Thanks for the info, Doomy,
Is that the case? I was thinking of getting a Sony HXD710 combo. Will this not be compatible with NTL?
Thats a bit if a con - if no other machine will play other than NTL`s own make!.
Can you educate me here. What does AFAIK mean?
"As Far As I Know."
1) All machines will record and play
2) A few will change the channel of the STB for you. My JVC will not, I have heard that some/most Pannies will work, but you may need an extra RedEye gizmo depending on which NTL Box you have. I dont know about Sony.
3) NONE of them will read the NTL EPG and let you choose what to record easily like Sky+.