Page 1 of MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

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MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 2nd October 2005, 15:44

Well, I have a pressie to buy and they have given their preference as an MP3 player.

Now, although money is obviously a point, it`s not really a concern. I`m more interested that she gets a good player, with good facilities and good sound quality with ease of use.

So far, I`ve been looking along the lines of a Sony HD5, Sony HD3 (difference I assume is the battery? Apart from casing I can`t find much on this one!), Creative Zen Touch 20Gb, and the various iPod variants.
Actually, the conversation sprouted from the Nano, but after the recent publicity on scratches etc., she went more towards a mini, but has now opened up totally due to the sizes available in the same price range.

Personally, I`m confoosed! MP3 playing car head units are more my cup of tea, and I`m a bit lost on these personal things.

It`s not going to be banged n shocked, so HDD is ok as well as flash, as mentioned price is a consideration, but more after a good unit for her, and brand loyalty isn`t in the picture either.
Photo element is not required, she wants it as a music player nothing else.

Advice gratefully received peeps!

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 2nd October 2005, 16:24

depends on size.

i love my ipod nano, & have had no problems whatsoever, also, the nano replaces the mini, as such the mini is "obsolete" (so you might pick on up cheap)

but as i say, the nano ROCKS :D

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 20:12

Think I got it down to 1Gb flash players that have a built in radio (thanks to one of those linky things that came up in this thread for the word mp3....which they subsequently didn`t have! >:( )

So, found another 2. A Sumvision and another which is a clone of a Yamada.

For some reason, the clone one just looks better....better built, better to use, etc etc. but they are both almost the same price at £60.
Real git about it is that the clone one (that`s the clone of the Yamada I originally seen from the Reviewer redirect!) is available, right now etc etc, but thanks to it being an Amazon zShop or whatever they call it, it`s gonna cost me a fiver for delivery, and I need to order TWO! :(

Mailed the bloke who owns the zStore, but as he rightfully says, Amazon set those charges and he can`t do anything about it <sigh>

Oh well, now just need to decide if I wanna pay £65 unit or not....

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 21:01

whatever you do don`t buy cheapie chinese :D trust me, i`ve gone through about 5 of em

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 21:13

Cheers Ogs old boy!

Just PMed a link to yer.... ;)

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

framer (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th October 2005, 11:08

Re the nano replacing the mini -

Similarly the Sony HD5 is about to be replaced by the NW-A3000 Walkman - slightly bigger with some new features (especially new software to replace SonicStage)

This item was edited on Friday, 7th October 2005, 12:09

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 7th October 2005, 17:02

(especially new software to replace SonicStage)

yes, the rumour being that they will allow wmp & any other software that gas certified drm built in to work wit the new kit :D tbh, this would be huge if it happened & would hurt apple.

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 15th October 2005, 22:47

hi buddy :)

what did you end up getting ?

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 16th October 2005, 18:55

Soz, first time I looked in on Reviewer since our PMs! Lol

Ended up following your suggestion with the 2gb Nano, in Black.
We got a 4 gig into the store a day later, and before I had started, the guy doing the MP3 player displays had put it on display.....

it lasted less than an hour and a half (opened at 9am, I started at 10.30) before it had been scratched! :o

To say I was surprised is an understatement, but as this pressie hasn`t gotten there yet, I might incest in something for it (was actually about to look up that invisible shield thread when I saw this message! Lolol)

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: MP3 player purchasing advice req. please :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 16th October 2005, 21:27

yeah, the scratching is a big issue with it, although apparently apple won`t budge about creating a solution, tbh, i had trouble with the "invisible shield" but i`m a ham fisted ape seemingly without opposable thumbs :¦ anil managed his with no problems :D
i ended up with this

i actually already have on just like this & it`s very nice apart from it not covering the screen :( (hence re-ordering this one)

other than that what do you think of it ? i still reckon it`s a damn cool player (even with i-tunes) :D

ps..... you might wanna sort that typo out in the last paragraph of your post ;)

pps, the plastic film that the nano comes with (on the front) will stay in place for ages if you carefully cut the peel "tab" of the bottom, in fact it`s it`s pretty much the same as the invisible shield but less "rubbery" & it does not effect the operation of the player at all

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Sunday, 16th October 2005, 22:32

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