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Which Player Should I buy?

richfin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 22nd July 2001, 19:44

I am new to DVD and would like some advice on a few players. Could anyone who owns either a Toshiba SD 110e or Hitachi DV-P315 tell me if they are worth buying? Do they have problems with discs such as The Matrix or Gladiator? Are they hackable and able to play RCE discs? Is picture quality good for this price range? Thanks for any help.

RE: Which Player Should I buy?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 22nd July 2001, 20:49

Hi rich,
If you;re new to dvd then i know how daunting purchases can be-there are now more dvd players on the market than there are vcr`s!
Anyway,of the players you mentioned i`d be looking at the Toshiba 110e. Toshiba were one of the early adopters when dvd first started,and this has meant they have always stayed one step ahead of other manufacturers in one area--picture.
Put simply,the tosh will wipe the floor with any other budget player on the market. Period. Where Toshiba skimp on features(that you don`t need),they more than make up where it counts.Sound and picture are excellent.
Richer Sounds are doing this player for £199 multi region,but check with them about rce as some Tosh players need a remote hack in order to play these titles.On that note i`ll mention now that NONE of the Toshiba range are remote hackable(along with Sony,Pioneer etc).
But quality doesn`t come without compromise,if this is your first machine then its a good first choice.
Go on,you know you want one!

Westy :-)

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