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Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

ram (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 16:06

I`ve just entered the world of DVD. I`ve bought a Sony DVD player and I have a Sanyo 28" widescreen TV. I had a spare scart lead and hooked the systems up. The only problem is that there is no sound. The picture comes through both AV1 & AV2, but is silent. When I plug in the co axial leads (the red/white/yellows things) into the TV, there is sound - but the background sound is louder than the dialogue. Is this something to do with the scart lead? I have a feeling that the scart lead was left over from my video. I have tried setting the DVD to S video, but it still stays silent. Can anyone suggest any options?

RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 18:31

A SCART lead is capable of carrying both a picture and audio. However, with some DVD players, there is no way to control the volume, meaning that you can get an awkward sound balance.

Is your telly the 28WN3 by any chance - if so you`re in luck, as I have one too.

You have two choices - AV1 is for RGB (the TV will auto detect the RGB signal), AV2 needs to be forced into S-VID (in the Features Menu - press the MENU button on your TV remote and use the blue cursor keys to move around - press the MENU button again to move out of menus).

The other thing to be wary about on Sanyo sets is there rather over-enthusiastic virtual sound settings, particularly the `Active` mode. Just try plain vanilla Nicam stereo if you can, and hopefully your audio should equalise a bit more. The Sanyo tellies do suffer from dialogue being drowned out if you use their pseudo sound settings (I find this even on normal analogue terrestrial signals).

Hope this helps - in the meantime, browse on the Net for a cheap amplifier and bypass the TV all together - I never use my TV volume button at all now !

RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

ram (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 10:01

Thanks. Yes it is the same tv. So, do I change the setting on the DVD player aswell. It is possible to change it from Vid/RGB/S Video. Which one should I choose? The Dvd advertises the fact that it is equipped with RGB for dynamic sound - so I presume this is the best setting?

RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

Westy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 11:25

Ram,waht sony dvd player did you buy?i dont see why you cant get sound from the scart lead-very puzzling!
However,you say you tried the phono connections too,has your dvd got a built in dolby/dts decoder?If so make sure you are routing the sound via the analogue stereo outputs and not the front l/r channels of the decoder output,doing this would mean no dialogue anyway as you`ve not connected the centre output to anything!So many people i know have done this!
If this isnt the case then a trip to the local hifi shop for a new scart lead will help-RGB is the best by far.And take Clayts(and now my) advice and scour for a seperate amp and speakers.My mate just bought the Yamaha VS10 all in one Home theatre kit,and i have to say for £350 it can worry the hell out of the neighbours.And its got a sub that rumbles and thumps in such an impressive way!
Its a good start,the market is a little over saturated with av product at the mo`,meaning its hard for someone to make a definitive purchase when two months down the road it`ll have dropped in price and something better comes along!
So,for a newbie like you the Yammy set will suit you just fine.
Let us know what dvd player it is,that should clear things up a bit.

Top banana!


RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

ram (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 12:55

Hi Westy, cheers for the advice - looks like I had better start saving up! The DVD I have got is a Sony DVPNS300. Like I say, I just put the scart into the back of the player, and then in the back of the telly. I get a picture - but no sound. I think it may bre something to do with which scart socket I put it in on the tv, but then again, it could be something to do with the DVD player. When I use the leads (phono connections)without the scart, then this works o.k. But the phono leads are at the front of the tv and it looks crap, plus I suspect the picture is not being utilised to its full potential. Help - I have nevr been beaten by technology before!!

RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 16:04

Hi I will help.

It sounds like you are connecting your DVD to AV2 on the TV via a scart lead and not receiving sound - right ?
Well, AV2 is usually (on better sets) the s-video capable scart socket.
It will deleiver a clear crisp picture BUT NO SOUND, hence your silence.

Run the scart from your DVD to AV1 on the TV. This is RGB capable. Now in the video options on your DVD player, tell it to output an RGB signal. This carries both sound and vision.

If this socket is taken up by sky or another component, simply put that into AV2.

You also mention you had a scart lead `lying around..` It may be worth investing in a better quality lead whilst you are setting the system up.

now, when you boot the player the RGB scart should kick and and hey prseto, quality sound and vision.

I hope this helps.


RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

Westy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 20:08

Pete,you`re right on the av connection method,but ive always understood that outputting s-video from the scart will give you sound as well as picture.All dvd players are the same this way,however,using the dedicated s video socket will just give pictures with no audio.
It may be that the scart lead does not have the corresponding pins to carry the sound to the tv from the scart,so ram,i do believe that a trip to the scart dealer is in the offing!
Your dvd doesnt have a dolby decoder so my point mentioned is now irrelevant.But get saving quick for some surround sound-you dont know what you`re missing mate.
Hope all our advice sorts things out for you,any more probs,you know who to ask!!


RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 21:23

Westy - you the man, as usual !

Quite correct, transferring an S-video signal along a SCART lead will actually result in audio being present as well as the picture. Had Ram connected with the standard 4-din S-vid lead then naturally there would have been no sound. The 28WN3 Sanyo telly, however, is a budget player for local people, and ain`t got the luxury of an S-video in.

Just one thing that struck me, Ram. You wouldn`t, by chance, be using a directional SCART lead now would you ?! Sometimes, audio and video leads are mono-directional, in that the signal should only flow from the source (ie Sony DVD player) to the output (ie the TV).

Anyway, the original advice was sound - link the Sony up to the Sanny via AV1 - the Sanny will detect the RGB signal automatically, but you may have to dig around a bit in your DVD player`s set up menu. And remember the curse of the Active 3D Surround on the Sanny too !

Time for you to take up a paper round, Ram, me old mucker, and save a few coppers towards a decent amp (psst - Yamaha AX620)

RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

Westy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 21:43

Clayts do you think its worth making a publication?!!I must have put my hoof into hundreds of queries,even all my mates come to me for advice on their systems!!I think im in the wrong job mate.
Anyways,being a Yammy a5 lad,have you grabbed the bull by the horns and got yourself an Ax620.
My local 7oaks has one on dem at the mo`-what a sensation! I quite like the av connection on the front,handy in a PS2 kinda way.Bit of a bargain at £400 as well(or less!).
Oh and Ram,like clayts says,keep your hands off the psuedo surround functions on both tv+dvd,they are the root of all evil!!And about as much use a handbrake on a canoe.
Virtual 3d Surround-sony says
MY ARSE!!!-Westy says.... :-)


RE: Sony DVD & Sanyo Tv

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st July 2001, 09:10


I think I`m gonna stick with my A5 for the time being. Whilst the 620 does have a few additional features (component video switching being one which I could benefit from if I had a compliant telly, eg a Tosh) and has finally got rid of those awful springclips for the rear speakers as well as firing out 90w per channel as opposed to 70w on the A5, there simply aren`t enough features to justify me spending, say £100 or so in upgrading (assuming someone would buy my A5, bearing in mind it`s only a year old !).

Funnily enough, it`s kinda linked in with our other discussion - I`d sooner wait for an all-singin` all-dancin` DTS ES/DD EX (and DPL 2 - ha !!!) amplifier. I`m pretty sure these features will filter down to the budget players (and you can bet Yammy`s AX620 replacement will have this lot !) within the next two years or so.

So, the A5 is safe at the moment....

Will e-mail you separately re:Area 450 stuffy whatnot

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