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Can anyone reccommend a cheap multiregion player?

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th August 2005, 12:16

I`ve got an old Toshiba (about 3-4 yrs) which is unhackable but am looking to get a new player which is either multi-region out of the box or remote hackable so I can get Alias season 4 and Lost season 1.

I`m looking to spend about £30 because I only want it for 6 months as I`m leaving the country then.

I`ve been looking at the Alba DVD65 and the Yakumo XL2 but am worried about some bad reports.

any ideas?

RE: Can anyone reccommend a cheap multiregion player?

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th August 2005, 14:45

does anyone know if the coby player selling on ebuyer is hackable?

if the link doesnt work its the 5" portable model, I cant find a product code though.

RE: Can anyone reccommend a cheap multiregion player?

BassmanUK (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th August 2005, 20:49

The Pacific 1002 model at Asda for £28 is great

RE: Can anyone reccommend a cheap multiregion player?

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 17th August 2005, 15:06

i`ll second the pacifics, very good players for the money, but if you`re lucky you might still be able to get the tevion divx/xvid player from aldi (£32.99) multi region out of the box plays almost anything :)

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

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