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Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

Paul Marsden (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th July 2001, 21:03

Hi all,

I rang Richer Sounds today to purchase the Mission Cimema 70 speakers (£250) seems like a bargain. I was told they had sold out but would provide something better and cheaper the Eltax 6.2 - this sounds very encouraging, but before I part with my hard earned money I was wondering whether anybody could comment on the differences between these two set ups.

Any advice/comments welcomed!


RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 00:50

Ah-ha another attempted brand switch!!

Having been in and out of mags, getting others advice,,just getting a wants list, as a newcommer to Home cinema will often do. Then why do they do that at RS. A good shop granted but they must all go on the same sales seminar and told to switch sell to their relatively exclusive manufacturers. This has been the case for me in 3 different RS shops.
Go in to buy Sony DVD, told to buy Limit !
Go in to buy Kenwood DD/DTS amp, told to buy Sherwood
Try to buy Paradigm Sub, try to sell Eltax Sub
Want to buy Ixos told Profigold better

Highly dubious? Can anyone rate Limit DVDs ( I have one now!!)
As for Eltax, some get 5* reviews some models get slated.
Missions are excellent, strange how RS have none left though?????

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 09:42

hi guys,to support what you`ve said i`ll spread some of my unlinited hi fi advice!
the mission cinema pack was deleted a long time ago,Richer somehow source the large backlog of remaining stock thats laying around in missions vaults and pass on at silly prices!great speakers-very `mainstream`,but not the last word in sophistication.
Limit dvd,put it this way,why worry about comparisons to a sony?for the silly price richer are asking(£100 i believe),it`d be cheeky to complain!ok it`ll never beat a sony,but ANY dvd is light years ahead of vhs in terms of performance,and if your a newbie to home cinema then you have to start somewhere-upgrade later.
Eltax,this long standing danish manufacturer reached its peak with its liberty series a few years back.if its these that richer are offering then dont hesitate-well built speakers with lots of power.if this is your first system dont be tempted to buy the best thing money can buy,you can always upgrade along the way.
As for richers sales pitch?well you cant fault them for what they offer,there are bargains everywhere!and the staff are friendly too,but its so easy when you`re not sure or just dont know what to look read up on the product you want,then you walk into a shop and are presented with a barrage of brands which make you forget your original purchase in an instant!in a way thats the beauty of the internet,browse at your leisure to find the best price-with no salesman!
if they try to sway you again,stand your ground and ask why the product they suggest is supposedly `better` than the one you want.remember,the customer`s always right!

happy hunting

westy :-)

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

rumble (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 16:24

It may be worth looking around for eltax speakers.

I was under the impression the only place to buy them was richersounds, but then noticed that the silverado set being sold by richersounds for £200 was also on the qed site selling for only £100 !!!

Obviously this may just be this set, but it goes to show it is always worth shopping around.

I personally went for the missions, most reviews that i have read
of eltax dont seem to be that great

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 16:25

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

lewjosh (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 22:18

Good spot, rumble! After further digging, I have also discovered the Eltax Stargate 6-speaker set (with active sub) for just £109 at qed. These are currently selling for £299 at RS!! I`m going into my local RS tomorrow armed with relevant print outs to get them for £99 (they offer to beat the best price by £10, I believe). Wish me luck. Then all I need is a DD/DTS amp! ;-)


RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 00:09

Er..."All we ask is that the hi-fi separates you`re interested in are brand new and in stock at any local authorised dealer (within 75 miles)"

Soz, mate, that counts out QED, I`m afraid.

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

Paul Marsden (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 00:28

Why is this Clayts? where are QED based or aren`t they an authorised dealer?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 00:54

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 02:18

Cheers for the advice westy, yeah agree you could not complain at £99 for a DVD, however a salesguy in RS said when I asked about it, it`ll probably fall apart in a week!! Therefore I was talked in to buying the £200 all singing and dancing version!! It at the moment seems fine and was trying to see if anyone else had a Limit 388 I think its called.

lewjosh, I have just purchased the new Yammy AX 620 dd/dts, a absolute beast of an amp £350 from RS, can`t fault it. The T2 version of the THX test logo is gut renching!

Back to the thread, the Missy 70s are given rave reviews all over so maybe hang on to you find some, would be nice to know if you can get them for £109, keep posting!

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

lewjosh (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 09:59


I live approx 20 miles from qed`s head office! I`m going for this one! I`ll tell you how I get on later. If they aren`t authorised dealers, my understanding is that RS will match the price, and their warranty is better and cheaper (potentially free, plus the 50% buyback).


This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 10:03

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

lewjosh (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 17:51

As a follow up to my last post, I went to my local RS today. As soon as I mentioned price match and Eltax stargate, the RS bloke immediately proclaimed: `Ah, yes, the QED set?`. Apparently, the set on the QED site refers to the X1 models, i.e plastic, not aluminium like the X2 model in RS. Fair enough, I suppose, but he did say he would match the QED price of £109 (£199 at RS!) on the Silverados ..only problem is they won`t be in for 2 weeks! I think I`ll order the Silverados from QED (P&P is free). This is only the 5-speaker set (minus subwoofer) so could I add a subwoofer later? I`m now looking for a cheap second-hand DD amp. Any ideas?


Here`s the link to the Silverados

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