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Pana E50

Edi (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 23:05

Can anyone advise what dvd-r discs are compatible with the panasonic E50. I bought some Datawrite Premium Inkjet Printable (4x) from SVP and had trouble free recording. I have tried to buy some more but they don`t seem to be available. The ones they have are (8x). I tried some others Datasafe (4x) and Arita (1x) but I had problems getting these to record.I am running low so would appreciate it, if someone could let me know any discs that they use and where to purchase them from.Thanks

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th July 2005, 00:09

RE: Pana E50

Highgord (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 30th July 2005, 21:10

I have been using Piodata -R DVDs in both my Panny E50 and E85 recorders with absolutely no problems at all. :)

RE: Pana E50

Edi (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 1st August 2005, 08:07

Can you tell me where I can get these discs from?

RE: Pana E50

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 1st August 2005, 09:33

Panasonics own or Maxell.
No problems.
Maxell are around £3 for a pack of five from Asda.

RE: Pana E50

DMR-E50 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th August 2005, 18:50

With a DVD recorder such as the E50, the speed has no relevance.

I have successfully used the following brands on my E50 and E55:-

Datawrite greys

Buy from a source such as:-

cdrmedia, aprmedia, svp or ukdvdrmedia

RE: Pana E50

AhlS (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th August 2005, 20:35

The speed has some kind of relevance.
I`ve used a handful of different 4X disks on my E55. The first that have refused to work at all are Datasafe 8X (I used to use the 4X which I found very reliable but SVP stopped stocking them).
All SVP can suggest is updating firmware, which I am reluctant to do, so will have to try another brand instead. I am unsure about choosing a different 8X after this experience though.

RE: Pana E50

DMR-E50 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th August 2005, 17:14

The speed doesn`t have a relevance (this is for PC burners only)
However, it is known that the Panny as finicky when it comes to discs.
I actually rang Panasonic a while back when I ordered some 4x discs and the supplier sent 8x (when I queried this, the supplier said that 4x were no longer available)
Panasonic said 8x are fine.
If you check the specs of 8x discs, they are actually sold as `1-8x` not `8x` so are a replacement.
I dare say that soon, 8x discs will become obsolete and we will have to use 16x discs on our machines.

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