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Monitor setting problems!!!!

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th July 2005, 00:41

Can anyone help??

I was messing around with my monitor and now the picture has gone all distorted! I know its a shot in the dark but is it possible to get back to where I was before?? TYhe picture is all distorted and bent!

Im using an old monitor which I have for years! I think its about time I got another one anyway!!

RE: Monitor setting problems!!!!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th July 2005, 08:33

Sounds like you were playing with the front panel geometry controls (tilt, pincushion et all).

Theres nothing that imediately springs to mind without seeing it.

You may well need to sit down & tackle it slowly one setting at a time.

Glad we have LCD`s here at work now, it stops the users fiddling!!!

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th July 2005, 09:36

RE: Monitor setting problems!!!!

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st July 2005, 20:56

After serious fiddling around with the controls and changing the display options via Windows XP and other various experimentations I have now come to the proffesional conclusion that my monitor is well and truelly f~`#%@ !!!!! >:(

RE: Monitor setting problems!!!!

Curious99 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd July 2005, 07:15

Hi Andy

If it was fine before you fiddled, it`s likely to still be fine now unless you did some serious resolution adjustments via the settings on the computer, rather than the front of monitor controls. Those computer ones can actually ruin an old monitor, but I doubt if it is THAT old and this is what you do to restore the screen.

I think what you have done is the trapezoid settings and then maybe moved it so much one way or the other for centering. I don`t know which monitor it is so here are some of the ways of getting it back.

1) If you have a circular wheel adjustment, push it in or pull it out. Turn the wheel to where you see distorted rectangular shapes one is called parallelogram, one pin cushion, one trapezoid, one pin balance and one zoom. Press or pull the wheel again to make the adjustments, use them in conjunction with eachother.

Then press or pull to confirm the setting for THAT item only and move on to the centering areas (up down right n left) do all those and save each one too. Lastly do the `rotation` which saves you having to cock your head to one side to read stuff but if you do that first then the rest is harder.

You may have a `recall` feature which will give you the factory set-up settings - in which case navigate to there using the wheel to there and select it, then fiddle as above.

2) If you have 4 or 5 buttons - press any one to invoke the settings. Then you wander around roughly as above, but you may have additional items to contend with and the display reverts very quickly. In which case go to `recall` first, then fiddle as above.

Hope this helps, and a monitor is highly unlikely to become unserviceable because you fiddled with the user control on it, so keep trying it will almost certain be restorable.


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