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Im after a portable MP3 player....any ideas??

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th July 2005, 20:07

Sick of walking to work every day with no music blasting in my ears so thought I`d splash out on an MP3 player but not too sure where to look or what to buy!

Does anyone have any ideas??

Thanks in advance.... :)

RE: Im after a portable MP3 player....any ideas??

SuperPP (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 07:47

Question, how much music at any one time?

If upto around 10 CDs look at a 512MB flash drive (cheap on ebay)?
If you want to carry hundreds look at the more expensive hard drive type (Ipod etc..)

Also flash drives are more suited for use during exercise (no moving parts to jar).

RE: Im after a portable MP3 player....any ideas??

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 10:22

If upto around 10 CDs look at a 512MB flash drive

Aldi`s are doing a 512mb mp3 player from thursday Link Here for under £40- they are also selling a portable speaker system for £18 as well Link Here

RE: Im after a portable MP3 player....any ideas??

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 13:07

The words `Tevion` & `Aldi` are dirty words to me!! >:(

I purchased an MP3 walkman from them on Tuesday. It was only £17.99 but was a fully sized walkman , what I mean by that is that it played actual CD`s but was MP3 compatible. When I took it home and had a play with it it just used to show `Reading` on the display and that was about all it did!!?! The odd time when it did actually kick in and played it wouldnt go to certain tracks and used to skip and jump. Thought it was pointless in putting up with something like that so took it back to the local Aldi shop. Give them their due they gave me my money back with no questions asked.

Basically I`ll go for a good brand...something like Sony , Philips etc! You only get what you pay for....I`ve learned that!

RE: Im after a portable MP3 player....any ideas??

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 13:43

i wouldn`t write tevion stuff off just because of the dodgy cd/mp3 player, those things are temperamental at the best of times, on the whole tevion/gericom stuff is very good quality, but for playing mp3`s you REALLY are better off getting either solid state (static/flash memory etc) or hard disc based players (i have a 20gig hard disc model) of course the budget is the big decider here, if it`s under £50 it`s gonna be a flash memory jobbie, & at £40 for 512meg thats a very good price, But if you consider that you can get a 20gig player for around the £130 mark (aldi actually have one at this price) then for triple(ish) the money you get 20 times more storage :)

out of interest, what`s you`re budget & what are you "mainly" gonna use it for ? (ie, walking/gym etc)

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 14:46

RE: Im after a portable MP3 player....any ideas??

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 13:47

Just basically walking to work and back! Im willing to pay between £50 - £80 for one.

Many thanks....

RE: Im after a portable MP3 player....any ideas??

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 13:52

Im willing to pay between £50 - £80 for one

then i`d give the aldi one a try, you`ll be hard pressed to find a better price/spec on the high street (or mail order, once p&p goes on the price)

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: Im after a portable MP3 player....any ideas??

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 23:19

The good thing with the Aldi one too is they say it supports sub folders, so you can have folders for each album, rather than all the mp3s in the root directory together. Makes you able to just play one album if you want to. It also says it`s capable of recording direct from a hifi etc, something else that some people might find handy.

It looks very similar to the one I have from Aria, except mine doesn`t have the sub folder function. The one in my car does, and it`s very useful if you want to play a certain album. Plus chances are, it`ll have the Aldi 3yr warranty which seems to be the norm with most stuff. So any problems just take it back and they normally refund, no questions asked.

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