Page 1 of Anyone use the device called phantom pvr from bluedelta? is it any good.?

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Anyone use the device called phantom pvr from bluedelta? is it any good.?

blodwin (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th June 2005, 15:44


On the website is the Phantom pvr which seems like a good idea and iam thinking of getting one for using with my goodmans settop box and the dvd recorder by bni 1000r.It looks like it may make recording quicker and easier if it works.



RE: Anyone use the device called phantom pvr from bluedelta? is it any good.?

SuperPP (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th June 2005, 08:24

Not sure how well it works with freeview.
it depends on the EPG, very usefull with SKY and highly recommended.

RE: Anyone use the device called phantom pvr from bluedelta? is it any good.?

blodwin (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th June 2005, 13:53


Thanks for the quick reply

It looks like a good buy.


RE: Anyone use the device called phantom pvr from bluedelta? is it any good.?

Irish RangeR (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 18th July 2005, 14:02


I have a BNI1000R and the Phantom PVR. I had to stop using the PVR as the BNI was too slow to start up.

Actually, maybe you could answer me this.

My BNI 1000R take about 10 to 20 seconds to start up, at the HELLO prompt. Is this normal? I find it rediculous that the machine takes this long to power up. I will be getting rid of it as soon as I find another multi region PAL / NTSC DVD Recorder....

Anyway, this slowness to start up seems to stop the PVR from working properly and it gets stuck in a semi infinite loop of turning the machine on, trying to record then shutting the machine down, et infinitum.

RE: Anyone use the device called phantom pvr from bluedelta? is it any good.?

blodwin (Competent) posted this on Monday, 18th July 2005, 19:30


Due to holidays and so on i did not get around to buying the pvr but thank you for the warning .My machine seems to take just along as yours to start so i think i will keep hold of my money until i upgrade as well.

Thanks again


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