Page 1 of Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

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Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th May 2005, 14:36

Hi all,

I`m in the market for a HD TV and was wondering if you guys can suggest something. My TV is pretty much on it`s last legs so I can`t really wait till things settle down in High def land :)

Anyway, budget is limited to £700-£999 NO way can I go over that.

It needs to be a minimum of 30 inches screen

It needs to be located in the UK, online purchase is fine. (and probably get more for my money this way)

Thats about all I can come up with so any help will be greatfully recieved.

Ohh, one thing, links to any would be great.

many thanks


RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

Chris Muriel (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th May 2005, 22:48

In that price range you are somewhat limited. Plasma screens at that price tend to be EDTV only (852 x 480).
LCD`s from Sharp, Toshiba, JVC etc. tend to be nearer £1000 at 30 inches.
Many new models are due over the next 3 months or so.
Current CRTs in UK don`t have the resolution .
For future-proofing you need one with an HDMI input (or DVI with HDCP).
Plenty of "no-name" oriental LCDs will do it if you want to take the risk (Sonix from Sainsbury`s, Tevion from Aldi etc) .
LCD and HD sections of UK AV Forums are a good place to do a search.

Chris Muriel, Manchester.

RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 01:21

yea, I figured as much.

£1000 does not get you much these days where TV is concerned and I was looking at the wierd name oriental brands but was a bit worried.

Pfff, my TV won`t start some mornings then all of a sudden it will, totally random and so annoying :( which is why we need one pretty soon.

I`ll keep looking and thanks for the input btw, many thanks


RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

glueman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 10:37

on the 26/05/05 at Aldi`s they will be selling a 32" HD Ready LCD TV, for £749.99.
If you get one let us know how you get on with it.

Mick :) .

RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 11:29

on the 26/05/05 at Aldi`s they will be selling a 32" HD Ready LCD TV, for £749.99.

£ 749.99 is a lot of money in anyone`s book,so why would you `waste` it on a product that will,by definition due to it`s price,be inferior ????

:/ :/ :/

RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

sjb8080 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 13:30

£ 749.99 is a lot of money in anyone`s book,so why would you `waste` it on a product that will,by definition due to it`s price,be inferior ????

Not sure what you mean?

"£ 749.99 is a lot of money" means it`s expensive?
"by definition due to it`s price,be inferior" means it`s cheap?


To the OP: Buy the Aldi, try it at home, if you don`t like it or find it inferior, take it back.

RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 15:05

I mean that a £749.99 TV of this spec is undoubtedly inferior.
So why,effecitvely,`waste` £750 on it.
It`s a lot of money to throw away on a `make do` item.

I`d rather do without until I can afford a decent one.

RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

sjb8080 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 15:31

Re Aldi 32 inch LCD.

So what about this TV`s spec is inferior?
How do you know this isn`t a decent one?
What do you think would be a decent one?

RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 16:37

I have an Aldi not to far from me (the one in Catford) might take a look in around the 26th.

I don`t hold out much hope but it can`t hurt to check it out.



This item was edited on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 17:40

RE: Guys, can you spec me a HD ready TV please?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th May 2005, 08:20

Re Aldi 32 inch LCD.

So what about this TV`s spec is inferior?
How do you know this isn`t a decent one?
What do you think would be a decent one?

It doesn`t take a genius to work out that it`ll be inferior without even looking at the spec.
For a start,look who`s selling it.
It`s guaranteed to be a manufacturer you`re unlikely to have heard of or,if you have,a make that makes people go "hmmmm....".
It`s not rocket science to know that,in some way,it`ll be built `down` to a price.
The cheapest decent HDTV 32 inch LCD I`ve seen,and I`ve been looking quite hard,is a Sony at around the £1500.00 mark.
Of course,you`ll always get people that`ll buy Aldi `bargains` then try and pass them off as "just as good as this and that",but I`ve yet to see anything of the sort.
They are,from what I`ve seen (and I work with a bargain hunting Aldi chav here) they are cheap crap and that`s that.
If it was a small sum of money involved I`d be more likely to say `go for it` but,come on,£750.00 is a lot of money to chuck at something that`s been built down to a price.

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