Page 1 of Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

Hardware Forum

Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

Matthew McC (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 09:20

This seems to be a good deal at around the £300 mark complete with 160gb hard drive.
Any feedback appreciated e.g. how fussy is it with DVD-R media?

RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

winchester (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 29th May 2005, 11:18

RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

Benjy A (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 6th June 2005, 23:09

I bought a Toshiba DR-3 2 weeks ago and it was pretty cool, but not mind blowing. I changed it for the RD-XS34 today. And it`s blown me away.

70 hours of SP (near broadcast quality) recording. Record to HDD while watching a DVD. Record to HDD while watching something else on the HDD. Time-slip recording on the HDD. Editting. Dubbing to DVD-R or DVD-RAM.

I`m impressed!

RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

GARYWORK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 14:44


your new tosh - how is it for fan noise ?

i have ears like a bat so its important to me - heard sonys for instance r noisy


RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

ddevil (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 22:50

£263.46 + £9.99 delivery here


This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 23:55

RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

winchester (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th June 2005, 18:04

After 25 years of engineering for me the fan noise isn't a problem. As fans go you can hear it but it seems to be of a low frequency and fairly quiet so not to annoying.
If you buy over the internet you have 7 days from receiving goods to cancel the order. Why not try it out. I also have a which does have a super quiet fan. But at twice the price of the Tosh!!!

RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

WendellT (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th July 2005, 15:54

Trying to make a dubb from the HDD to a blank Verbatim DVD-R, but I get an error message: `It is not possible to dubb additional content to this disc`. The content is 1:15:00 in length. Anyone out there with ideas as to why?

RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

hutty (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th July 2005, 13:20

Can you tell me if the RD-XS34 can playback multi-region DVDs?



RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

winchester (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th July 2005, 19:13

Search the product here.
They have a multi region offer on.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 23:58

RE: Toshiba RD-XS34 HDD/DVD Recorder - Any good?

Paul Williams (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 13:55

Good afternoon one and all - please can I pick your brains? I`m still living in the video era, but want to upgrade. Should I go for DVD, HD, or a combination such as this Toshiba? I`ve noticed that many of these shiny new machines can`t actually do basic things that I take for granted. For example, I want to be able to record one channel while watching another - how is it with this Toshiba? And I want to be able to be able to lend recordings to friends, or save them to an archive for a rainy day. Can you save the HD recordings, or convert them to DVD?

Thanks for any advice,


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