Page 1 of goodmans gdvd 300r digital output help needed

Hardware Forum

goodmans gdvd 300r digital output help needed

harris87 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th April 2005, 20:44

>:( can anyone help me with this recorder?

i have connected this recorder to my home cinema amp which is DOLBY DIGITAL / DTS / PCM compatible,but do not get any digital sound of any kind.

i have tried connecting the recorder to optical and co-axial connections.

but when i record on the recorder then play back the disc in 2 other dvd players i have the digital sound is there.

having read the goodmans manual is states that the digital output has to be enabled via settings menu,however i cannot find any menu wotsoever to enable digital sound from the recorder..

PLEEEEEAAASSSEEEEE!!!!!!! anyone out there that can help me...

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