Page 1 of Creative DTT3500 - Wiring

Hardware Forum

Creative DTT3500 - Wiring

David Butterell (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th June 2001, 12:17

I`m wanting to extend the cables to my speakers on the Creative DTT3500. Whats the best way of doing this. Can I just go out and buy longer cables that`ll work or will I have to do some soldering?

Anyone needed longer cables for their set-up?



RE: Creative DTT3500 - Wiring

lees (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th June 2001, 19:12

I already had cables laid discretely round my room coz I had a prologic set up previously so I left the cables hidden & just soldered the ends to the remainding cable. As long as the cable you use is of the same or better quality it doesn`t make any difference to the sound.

RE: Creative DTT3500 - Wiring

David Butterell (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th June 2001, 08:46

Cheers for that, I best get the Iron out then!


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