Page 1 of Toshiba 330 and DVDRs??

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Toshiba 330 and DVDRs??

ahmisterbond (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st March 2005, 18:40

Hello everyone, now, before I start I admitt to being a bit a muppet, so may be missing something obvious... but I`ve burned (using Clone DVD) some DVD-R discs. A new ritek (G05) batch have started to pixelate towards the end of the films (and only at the end). Does anyone know what`s causing this? Is it the player, the compression or a dodgy batch of discs? Another problem is.. If it`s the discs, how do I take them back without erm, showing thier contents?

RE: Toshiba 330 and DVDRs??

Ady P (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st March 2005, 19:17

I`d say it`s the disks and/or your writing speed.

But probably the disks.

Try burning one slower and if that is still the same then you know it`s your disks.

I had the same problems with my 330 and certain disks, it`s just a matter of finding some that suit your machine.

RE: Toshiba 330 and DVDRs??

ahmisterbond (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st April 2005, 15:50

thanks Ady, I`ve done a bit more research on some AV forums, and it seems that the Tosh players are good, but temperamental with DVDRs. It appears that tosh owners need to only burn DVD -R discs, and need to steer clear of unbranded and (according to one forum) ANV branded discs - which I`d bought from scan. The pain is that I`m lumbered with 50 ANV Ritek G05`s that I can`t use. Given the high quality of the discs, I`m surprised to say the least.

One I`ve had success with is infinit brand DVD-R. The AV site I visited seemed to suggest Datasafe as well.

Having said that - these pixilated in my friend`s Cambridge Audio player!!

Hope this is of some use to you.

RE: Toshiba 330 and DVDRs??

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st April 2005, 16:36

I have a Tosh 330 and have no problem with Datawrite 8x discs (burning at full speed).

Touch wood ;)

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