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Panasonic E85 - Problems with DVD-RAM discs

midiman (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 11:05

I recently bought a Panasonic E85 DVD/HD recorder and am having problems with DVD-RAM media. I was able to DUB to the discs ok so I could archive recordings to my PC. However when I tried to erase the recordings on the disc, The Panasonic reset itself and went into recovery mode. It did this about 3 or 4 times before it got to a point where I could eject the disc (or do anything else for that matter). When it was doing this, it would come up with a message about a disc error with an option to hit enter. This I would do and off it would go back into recovery mode. When I did get it to the pont I could access the disc, the recordings where still there. If I try to format the disc it fails. I managed to both erase and format the disc in the PC and am able to drag and drop files to it ok. However the Panasonic see the disc as unformated and fails every time I try to format. At first I thought it may have been because the disc was protected but this has now happened on a disc which definately was not protected. A third disc I erased from did so succsesfuly and allowed me to dub something else to it.

Anybody else had this problem? Do I have a faulty DVD Recoreder? :(

RE: Panasonic E85 - Problems with DVD-RAM discs

karl17 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 12:21

It sometimes does this to me when I transfer progs from HD to DVD-R using FR mode.
It doesn`t seem to like the TDK X8 DVD-Rs I bought. Takes ages for it to come out of the recovery mode. I tried e-mailing Panasonic but got no reply. It`s still under guarantee though.

RE: Panasonic E85 - Problems with DVD-RAM discs

midiman (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 12:36

I`m using Panasonic DVD-RAM discs so shouldn`t be experiancing any compaibility problems. My Recorder is only 2 weeks old and I have up to 30 days to return it so want to determine if it is faulty or if I am doing something wrong

RE: Panasonic E85 - Problems with DVD-RAM discs

midiman (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 4th February 2005, 10:45

In case anybody`s interested, I`ve got to the bottom of this one. It`s a known problem with the Panasonic 3x DVD-RAM discs and the LG DVD-RAM writer. Maxell 3x discs are ok and all 2x discs work ok. Effectivly the 5 discs I have will now only be usable with the LG and cannot be used with the E85.

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