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Hardware Forum

Mini Disc recording

Fertnig (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 1st February 2005, 21:34

Help please. I use a mini disc recorder to record interviews and speeches etc. All was well until recently the recording comes out very low and muffled. I`ve tried a friends mini disc and the same happens. I EVEN BOUGHT A NEW CLIP ON \microphone and its the same low response. What am I doing wrong. Can anyone help me to solve this problem.. Thanks .

RE: Mini Disc recording

blodwin (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd February 2005, 08:40


Have you checked the battery in the pre amp ?Does the machines record ok from the line in sockets?If not use a head cleaner.



RE: Mini Disc recording

drgeoff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 13:27

You don`t say what model of recorder you have. Some have a Mic sensitivity switch. Or the Mic input may now be faulty.

Despite what blodwin said, a head cleaner isn`t going to help.

Good luck.

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 13:30

RE: Mini Disc recording

Fertnig (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 18:43

Thanks friends,
The mini disc i was using was a new replacement which did not have mic input.I was trying to record thru line in. DOH!!!! I`ve now replaced it with a player that has go a mic in socket. Yet again thanks for your replies. I`m grateful.

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