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Equipment connections

Fos (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2005, 13:32


I have the following gear:-

Matsui TV with 2 x scarts
Matsui DVDR 100
Matsui video recorder with 2 x scarts
Sky box with2 x scarts

I have tried various ways of interconnecting. What I cannot seem to do is to play video tapes and record them onto DVds

Can anyone suggest correct interconnection please.

RE: Equipment connections

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2005, 16:41

Sounds more like the fact. that copy protection is preventing you doing that.

You need a lead that strips out the macrovision component when you connect it between VCR & DVDR. Try searching on this site for Sonel.

I enjoy being wrong and clueless on other subjects - My wife usually alerts me to which ones, as there seem to be an awful lot around the house.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th January 2005, 16:42

RE: Equipment connections

Fos (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th January 2005, 15:36


Many thanks, you may well be right. With all the hassle going on with Sonel at the moment, I have ordered from KTVision.

RE: Equipment connections

metradio (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 22nd January 2005, 17:17

What hassle at Sonel??

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