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Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 16:29

Are they ?
Gold plated oxygen free jobs ?
They`re so much cheaper on the net I can afford to replace them at a tenner a go, rather that £20+ at local shops, but only if I really need to as the thought of snipping all those cable ties and re-doing it all is putting me off unless it really really makes a difference ?

RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 17:03

I bought a couple of quality leads from maplins. Fully shielded RGB scart as well as a fully shielded S-Video lead. ( gold connectors ).
Whilst these things can leave you feeling paranoid, I really did notice the difference. Snatch although admittedly grainy lookd 100% better through decent leads.
I supposes £20 is not a lot pay for contentment is it ?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 17:04

RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 18:18


(I`ll got into details later !)


RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th May 2001, 08:27

Fully shielded: good, yes, well worth it.

Gold plated: not worth it, except if your DVD player also has gold-plated connectors (unlikely unless it cost £500+).

By all means spend £10-15 on a decent cable, but there`s no need to go overboard...


RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

Shaun (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 17th May 2001, 16:09

IMO yes but if your going to invest in scarts go the whole hog and get the QED and if you have an amp then go a step further and get the rgb special edition. These cut out audio and other usless connections to keep the video signal as clean as possible.They are £42.00 from hifibitz delivered .

i had a £15.00 oxygen free gold plated shealded ribbon jobbie before this one but the difference even between these two is amazing .

Hope this helps


RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th May 2001, 19:01


Fair point, but I think it depends on the calibre of your system as a whole.

A £42 cable may be money well spent if you have a high-end player, but what if (like most people) you own a budget setup? Surely you wouldn`t advocate spending up to a third of the cost of your DVD player on a SCART lead for it?


RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

Shaun (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th May 2001, 10:26

Mike it all depends..if i was going to get a further improvment to my picture thru it then i`d spend it. regardless of the cost of player. The improvement might even save me spending money on an upgrade to a mid or high range player.

The other advantage of qed is that they come boxed and not in sealed packets like other leads so you could buy it try it if it improves then keep it ..if not send it back as no longer required harm no foul.


RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 18th May 2001, 12:19

It also depends on what quality you have at the moment. If they are the cheapest scarts, then a moderate investment should see dividends.

I`ve seen enough picture and sound problems in my time caused by cheap scarts to know they`re worth some investment.

You would, however, need some serious kit to make spending anything more than £25 or £30 on a scart worthwhile - law of diminishing returns and all that.


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