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Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

DJPARTYBOY (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 13:44

Hi, I am new here and I am thinking about getting a dvd recorder. I have seen you all talking about the Liteon LVW 5005 from Argos but I am not sure if it is good enough. Is there a multi region hack for this recorder? If not does anyone know a good recorder for about the same price or less which can be multi region?

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 17:04


My good lady and I bought a 5005B a month or so ago and TBH we are both extremely pleased with the performance of the unit both in quality of recordings and playback of recording/DVD`s.
That said if I were you I would wait a few weeks and see what price the 5006 amongst others drops to. It may be as cheap as the 5005 is at present and apparently the 5006 will have a stereo tuner, I think that is one of the main differences anyway.
If you have Sky+ a recorder with a hard drive may not be a priority but if you do not have Sky+ then again you may be better of seeing how the price of DVD/HD recorders goes and plump for one of those.

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)


go to and search under hacks and you will find the remote M/R hack.

This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 17:06

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

Richard Lloyd (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 17:59

As the other respondent said, you may be better off with a 5006 (it has RGB in and out, stereo tuner, Videoplus and 3 hour recording mode), though the price difference is currently 30-50 quid. The 5005 (and probably the 5006) has a noisy fan which kicks in at the start and end of recordings - if you intend to have this by your bed, then you`ll probably find it too loud. I decided to get a 5045 for my bedroom and move the 5005 into another room. When the 5006 is sub-150 quid, I`ll probably buy one of those (yes, I do need 3 DVD recorders!).

Also make sure you get the latest firmware from the Liteon official site because it cured a jitter problem with pre-recorded DVDs for me on my 5005. The multi-region hack for all Liteon standalones is Setup -> Exit (leave cursor on Exit, don`t press Enter), then 2 9 6 0 and you`ll get a menu of regions - choose "region free". Note that if you do upgrade your firmware, it does a complete factory reset as if you bought the unit as new, so stuff like the MR hack will have to be redone and all your timer recording events are erased as well...

This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 18:02

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

TED 1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 19:15

I too have the 5005 from Argos, It does exactly what I wanted it to do "ie to replace my video recorder" ,for the price it does a very good job ,very easy to use, I dont need to update
the firmware because as I said it does all I wanted out of the box

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

phelings (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 22:55

With Pioneer and Panasonic recorders available for about £170,there`s no longer any need to go low budget with these Liteons.

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

ELVIS (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd January 2005, 07:18

Another satisfied Liteo-on 5005 user here,I have been recording on it all week,DVD and Vhs to DVD-R, and to CDR,also easily by passed Macrovision,and no problem with jitters and havent yet upgraded the firmware, very easy to use machine.

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

John Atkins (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 09:09

I have an early 5005 (Pre April 2004) so was able to obtain hacked firmware to provide the 3 hour mode and defeat of Macrovision. I`ve seen lots of people wanting these features on more recent machines and in particular a friend of mine would like the same. Could you tell me if you have found hacked firmware for 5005`s manufactured recently and if so where? Or did you buy a box to defeat macrovision?


RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 14:21

Is it true that these machines can also be used as a CD Audio recorders?

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

ELVIS (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 05:28

Yes it is true you can record Audio CDs onto CDRs,no problem,
and as others have posted you can fool the Macrovision system, what you do is set up the 5005 to record as normal,but for about 10 seconds record something blank which you know has no Macrovision,I have used the blank screen of my DVD player through the scart connection,then put the 5005 on pause,and change the disc to the one with Macrovision and it will now record as normal.

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

John Atkins (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 08:43

Elvis, thanks very much for the response regarding the defeat of MV. I`m sure I`ve seen people in another forum say it doesn`t work for them so perhaps it`s version specific. I`ll pass on the info to my friend but it`s a shame this does not provide the much sort after 3 hour mode! :) I`m glad my machine is old enough that I was able to hack it for 3 hour. A shame Liteon still don`t provide that but I suppose they need to differentiate the 5006 as much as possible.

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