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TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

happyhuntin` (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th December 2004, 12:25

I`m thinking about buying my dad a dvd player for christmas, and the one i`m getting has one scart socket. Unfortunately my dad`s TV has no scart socket, and so at the moment he has it connected to a VCR by the aerial socket, and the VCR does have 2 scart sockets, could anyone tell me if I can add him this DVD player to his setup?

RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th December 2004, 12:30

In all likelyhood it wont work, due to VCR "thinking" you were trying to copy source material & kick in Macrovision protection, resulting in a unwatchable picture. :(

A lead that strips out the protection would allow the scenario to work though between DVD & VCR.

Older & wiser heads may have more to state on this though.

If Mac users are "more intelligent than the average computer user," why do they need an operating system designed for complete idiots?

RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

webjreh (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th December 2004, 16:23

I have a similar setup and it works for me. My VCR (RF out) is connected to the TV. I have connected my DVD to VCR thro` scart and it works. (the only diff. is my TV does have a scart but doesn`t work). When I watch my DVD, I need to keep my VCR on.
It may be worth a try though!!

RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

gary white (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th December 2004, 18:33

I do exactly the same as webjreh, except my TV does not even have a scart

It works fine

Give it a go :)


RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

blodwin (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th December 2004, 19:33


If still having problems try maplins they do a modulator that has a scart and will output on any channel number you want ,you just move the switches as shown in the manual.The price is around £25/£30 And you can adjust the contrast to match the tv.And the size about 25 mm thick by 100 mm by 150 mm plus has rca sockets and a power supply INSIDE.



RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

happyhuntin` (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th December 2004, 20:07

Thanks for the advice, just tried the setup you described and it seems to work ok apart from a flickering of the brightness of the dvd from light to dark etc etc, wondered what that was all about?....may try another scart lead I have see if that will correct it, having the video on seems a small price to pay :)

RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

phelings (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th December 2004, 22:02

With the dvd player connected to the Scart you will get the bright/dark problem on most dvd`s due to copy protection. This will worsen an already poor(RF) picture.
In all honesty I would get him a new tv first.If thats beyond your budget a lead from for £20 can be used instead of the current Scart lead to remove the CP problems.

RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

gary white (Competent) posted this on Monday, 13th December 2004, 08:50

I dont know why you should get this problem.

I have just checked my setup again as it is always my adult children who use this.
I am certain that it would have been mentioned if there was a problem, between them
they watch all types of dvds.

We have yamada dvd player through a sanyo vcr to an old saisho 14" TV.
connected with just a basic scart lead.

I could see no flickering of the brightness that you describe, in fact I was quite impressed
at the quality of the playback.

As you say, definatly try another lead, also be sure that all the connections are nice and tight

Good luck

This item was edited on Monday, 13th December 2004, 08:54

RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

petecowie (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 16:23

I am sure the flickering you are describing is caused my Macrovision, the copy protection, check to see if you can switch if off on your dvd player, more possible with a no name dvd player rather than one from the big boys. I would use the dvd player comparison on to check wether you can switch off macrovision on a particular player.....


RE: TV has no scart socket, can I connect my VCR and a DVD player

happyhuntin` (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 16:56


Just been to that particular web site but as I haven`t a clue about where to find info about Macrovision and how to turn it off can you offer any further pointers? thanks

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