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Hardware Forum

Lite-on 5005 serial number

ELVIS (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th December 2004, 06:18

I have just set up my 5005 and it seems great, tuned in ok,also recording fron NTL box ok.

I thought I would update the firmware,but I cant see on the setup screen the serial number as shown on the Lite-on download pages.

My machine is from Argos and is August 2004 manufacture,could anyone give me a clue as to what to do .
Thank Ya very Much !

RE: Lite-on 5005 serial number

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th December 2004, 12:14


The only thing I can do is repeat what the manual says. Look in the top right hand corner of the screen in the setup menu. The nembers/letters are shown but are, unfortunately, very faint . Sorry but that is all I can say.
BTW I would not bother updating the firmware as in all probability your machine will have the latest firmware installed. Apparently Lite-On are working on an update for the latest firmware that will allow recording at a three hour setting so best to wait till then I would think.
Try visiting . This is a forum for Lite-on users/owners and you will find quite a bit of information there.

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

RE: Lite-on 5005 serial number

ELVIS (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th December 2004, 13:51

Thanks for the reply, I have not had time to have anoher look yet,as you say I may leave the firmware update for awhile,and just do the multi region hack.

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