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panasonic dvd recorder problems

the power of fear (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd December 2004, 00:14

Having just got on one from richer sounds for £199 multi, can anybody tell me if it should go back. Having copied two disc both ending in disc error and could not open the machine without great difficulties, now this display on the bright setting is very light looks like trouble.Can anybody help.

RE: panasonic dvd recorder problems

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd December 2004, 07:25

take it back...

`I am going to live forever, or die trying`...

RE: panasonic dvd recorder problems

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 3rd December 2004, 09:51

The display on bright is very very bright.
Sounds like there could be summat up from your description, but the Multi Region process as far as I`m aware shouldn`t affect the recording side.

I take it you`ve tried using the recommended discs and not some "10 for a fiver/tenner" type crap sold in Supermarkets and..erm...some "other " retailers? <whistles>

Jimbo : oÞ
(And have you tried a RAM disc yet?)

RE: panasonic dvd recorder problems

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd December 2004, 13:42

can anybody tell me if it should go back. Having copied two disc both ending in disc error

Did you try and copy DVD`s that were copy protected? or was it a recording from a TV or other source ? You cant copy pre-recorded DVD`s ie the ones you buy.
The remote does not include a eject button( unless I am missing something) you have to press the button on the machine,you also have to press the record button on the machine if you want to record in 30 min segments,my only problem with the machine is the badly designed remote I would bet my balls that the people who designed the machine had nothing to do with the design of the remote.

I would try another make of disc,turn the brightness down in the settings and if still not satisfied take it back. :)

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