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black bar on screen

geoffrey jagger (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th November 2004, 23:58

hi i hope there is an expert out there to help me?due to the expert help on this forum i bought a pan 55 recorder. to say i am pleased would be an underststement but i have a small problem. when i record i get a faint black bar going across the screen from right to left, i used to get the same from my video recorder, i narrowed it down to my nat pan set top box some times i can see writing on sceen from channel 5. my tv is a philipps 28 widescreen. i also get it when i copy my vcr tapes to the e55. hope you can help as it is spoiling my enjoymentof my new buy

RE: black bar on screen

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 10th November 2004, 00:22

That may be bad screening on a lead causing that effect. Try a different lead, or a different lead on the STB.

J Mark Oates

You have the right to remain silent
What you lack is the capacity.

RE: black bar on screen

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th November 2004, 00:23

Are you sure it is actually on the recordings, not just on the TV? In other words if you play back a recording on another set up, does this problem still exist?

It sounds to me like you are getting some cross channel interferance from your scart set up-maybe the scart socket on your TV is firing back some signal to your recorder. Some TV have a `Copy Through` function on their scart sockets, and you can set then to input only or input and output-worth checking your set up to make sure the scart you are using for the DVD recorder to TV is set to input only.

It`s a bit of a `needle in a haystack` type of thing but it might be worth trying another Scart socket on your TV for the connection connection from your DVD output. Other than that try hooking only one thing up, and see if the problem isn`t there. if it isn`t hook the next thing up, then the next until the problem occurs-then come back and let us know which connection is actually causing it

RE: black bar on screen

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th November 2004, 01:14

Sounds like our old friend Pin 19 wanting removing. ;)

If Mac users are "more intelligent than the average computer user," why do they need an operating system designed for complete idiots?

RE: black bar on screen

geoffrey jagger (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th November 2004, 21:11

problem goes away when i unplug lead from sattalite dish, but then cannot record from sattalite. any ideas?

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