Page 1 of E55 - Multi Region Chipping by Remote

Hardware Forum

E55 - Multi Region Chipping by Remote

phils (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd November 2004, 10:30

I want to set my E55 to multi region and was going to use a company called dvdcodes but they seem to have received some bad press on the 'bargain buckets' forum, though this seems to relate to cheap dvd's for sale rather than the rental of their chip-remote. Has anyone used them or indeed any similar company in hiring this type of remote?

They charge £20 for the rental and you return it in a SAE after using it, though I presume there is also a return postage charge.

Any views?

RE: E55 - Multi Region Chipping by Remote

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd November 2004, 12:57

I looked into it.
I don`t like the look/sound of it.
You get one shot and if you cock it up,you`re screwed.
I`m simply not that desperate to make my E55 multiregion. :/

RE: E55 - Multi Region Chipping by Remote

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd November 2004, 16:27

Why not buy a multi region £30-£35 DVD player and use that, I do and it sits on top of my E55, also watch my finalised disc on it as well,no way would I pay £20.00 for a hack!

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