Page 1 of DVD - VHS Connections Philips 711

Hardware Forum

DVD - VHS Connections Philips 711

geordieboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 21st April 2001, 22:31

what`s the best way to connect this player o a VHS machine, (purely for personal use you understand!!!)
I`ve tried a few ways, sound is OK, picture OK, but colour darkens & returns all the time. This doesn`t make the resulting copy totally unwatchable, just bloody annoying after a whie.

Cheers in advance

RE: DVD - VHS Connections Philips 711

theking10 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 22nd April 2001, 13:09

sounds like macrovision so no matter what way u set it up it wont dissappear

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