Page 1 of Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

Hardware Forum

Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

trippingzebra (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 09:52

I see the DVDR610 threads are dropping over onto the next "threads" page.

Do I now gather that everyone is happy with the state of the DVDR610 ?

Certainly the major bugs seem to have been resolved, so I think to those looking at the machine as a dvd-recording option should consider it seriously as it is such good value at £199 - but be prepared to upgrade the firmware via the Philips website if you purchase now from existing stocks.

One of the problems with internet forums is you only tend to get (a) the problems (you don`t go looking for problems if you are not experiencing any) and (b) those people who vociferously defend their equipment to the death - i.e. a lack of balance

Philips gets knocked quite a lot on the internet. Though I agree they should not release buggy machines when a couple of months testing would have resolved the problems, I generally found the DVDR70 quite stable after the problems with the DVDR880 (which in my case only affected non-Philips media) and at the moment the DVDR610 may well be as stable as the 70.

P.S. The fan. Very happy now, but just occasionally bursts into life then dies. (11.15pm the other night) - but nowhere near the annoyance it was.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 13:08

RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 10:08

as it is such good value at £199

What`s good value about that ? :/

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 11:09

RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

trippingzebra (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 10:29

A high quality recording device with useful features that costs only a little more than a decent VHS video recorder and it no longer costs £299, it`s price when it first came out. That wasn`t good value. £199 is for the same machine. :p

Oh no. I`m vociferously defending my machine... :D

RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 10:38

Better machines available for less mate,sorry.

RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

trippingzebra (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 11:37

Actually, you are right.

I apologise, I should not have put a subjective opinion in my post. I usually pride myself on offering practical and objective help and not subjective opinions, which usually people have no problems with forming on their own. It is arrogant to assume that anybody reading the opinion cannot make up their own mind as to what is good value and not good value.

I therefore retract my opinion and re-state critically:
"The DVDR610 is an option amongst many dvd recorders you may wish to consider when purchasing - it`s earlier problems seem to have been resolved which could have prevented it from being a contender"

Anyway, all this is off-topic.

P.S. There is no need to apologise - Quote:

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 12:43

RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 12:01

I therefore retract my opinion and re-state critically:
"The DVDR610 is an option amongst many dvd recorders you may wish to consider when purchasing - it`s earlier problems seem to have been resolved which could have prevented it from being a contender"

Until Philips become a company that
A/ Has a clue
B/ Gives a stuff
they`ll never be a contender in my book.

There were/are umpteen examples of problems with Philips.
It`s a name that did/does pop up more than most under `problems`.

I bought an LCD TV from the muppets.
They claimed,on their website,it had certain capabilities.
It didn`t,as confirmed by a call to their customer relations department.
They couldn`t explain why their website said it did.
Is that a company you`d trust ? :/

RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

trippingzebra (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 13:26

Gordon Bennett.

Okay, okay, I`m sorry, all right ?

RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

Axe-man (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 15:19

Don`t despair, trippingzebra. Your posts on the DVDR610 have been very helpful in getting my machine sorted (which I think was a bargain at £100 at Sainsburys).

RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 15:35

Gordon Bennett.

Ex chief executive of Aberdeen football club.
Sacked for going with a prozzie
Last heard of working as a postman in Norwich.

What`s he got to do with it ?

Sell the Philips on e-bay.
Get yerself a Panasonic.


RE: Philips DVDR610: Are we now happy ?

trippingzebra (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 17:22

Gordon Bennett.

A man who paid good money for something bad and then fell into obsolesence. The life story of every Panasonic owner. :p

Please refer to my first post regarding forum posters who vociferously defend their machines. I`ve hated format and platform arguments since the days of VHS vs Betamax, Amiga vs PC and PC vs Mac. Pointless arguments. We`ll soon be arguing over Blu-Ray vs DVD-HQ or whatever.

The Panasonic works and the Philips works. Both I`m sure have their problems and they both have their advantages. We can argue till we`re blue in the face, but we can only take our choice based on our personal opinions. It`s only when the general consumer market makes it`s choice will we know the answer, as in VHS vs Betamax. Betamax was apparently the better technically, but VHS won out.

I have no idea whether the Philips or Panasonic is really better. I hope it`s DVD+RW, but then that`s because I invested in Philips. But if it doesn`t, I will have to deal with it. To be honest, I hope we get a situation where all machines play all disks. Then the consumer will have won.

BTW I`ve heard a lot about the £100 DVDR610 from Sainsbury`s. Presume they miscalculated the price. Shame I didn`t go shopping that day. I assume they now sell it at "normal" prices ?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 18:37

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