Page 1 of Philips 28PW6515 - Sound Problem

Hardware Forum

Philips 28PW6515 - Sound Problem

NJDWales (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 07:53

I recently bought the above television from Comet. I have had it replaced once for the same fault I am experiencing now. There is noise like a transformer drone that comes and goes as the picture changes, more evident on BBC 1 and Sky. The information banner that appears with Sky is more noticeable. I have replaced my aerial and leads, tried a signal booster but no good. I listened to the TV in store and did not hear the noise there which leads me to believe that it is something I have or have not done. I disconnected the DVD, Sky, Video and HiFi to eliminate them and guess what AAHHHH!!!!! noise there.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Philips 28PW6515 - Sound Problem

Andy c (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th April 2001, 16:40

I have got the same TV and cant say ive noticed a lot of noise from it.I have noticed that after its been on a while,say late at night when you turn it down it does make a bit of a humming noise.It must be Happy!.
Seriously though try going into the sound menu and scroll down past the store setting to avl [auto volume level] and turn it on,dont know if this will help but cant help trying.I just turned ours on and from cold there was no hum.

RE: Philips 28PW6515 - Sound Problem

MHARDWARE (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th April 2001, 19:55

Yes there is a modification on these sets by phillips as i have repaired a few.
Your local phillips dealer will do this for you.
..... mg

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