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Thank you Nelley from SCAN - Yeah Right!

johnrm (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 09:39

To: Nelley Raja
Subject: SCAN SC2000

Sent on 14-03-2001


I though I was doing the decent thing by making you aware that I owed you money!

My Credit card has just been hit for IEP233.20, I only owed you IEP200.00, so now you owe me IEP33.20 / GBP26.72

I would appreciate if you could try and clear this up once and for all.


At 10/10/00 09:49 +0100, you wrote:
When we get the new batch on october 28th i will test it and see if ot is an
improvement and let you know.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Mangan ["mailto:sinne.mrnhoj[at]ten.mocrie" class="decrypt"]
Sent: 09 October 2000 22:26
To: Nelley Raja
Subject: Ye olde SC2000

I owe you IEP200.00, and I`m still emailing you. Am I daft or what?!
I see from postings at the DVD reviewer that the next batch of SC2000
players is going to have a new Decoder card, why don`t you release it with a
different model no (SC2000i), and lose the shaky status that seems to be
tied to it.

Also, when are you going to get your phone system sorted out. Its crap.
Totally crap. And its p***ing off your customers. This combined with a dodgy
player, and failure to get replys to email made me return mine.

I`m going to wait until the new batch arrives, and see what the verdict is,
if I haven`t got something by then, I might buy another SC2000 if it makes
the grade.

Good to see you in the DVDReviewer forum taking it on the chin! I suppose
thats how to keep the customer happy!

Let me know what the best way is for giving back the IEP200.00 that I owe
you, or atleast let me know if you want me to keep it as a gift!

All the best,

RE: Thank you Nelley from SCAN - Yeah Right!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 19:02

John, you owed them money, now you owe them more ?

Hmm, confusing !!!

Anyway, seeing as you`ve posted this on the Retailer Reviewer forum as well (rightly so), I think we`ll draw a line under this thread (ooh, you people do insist on double posting !!!! Gives me something to do, seeing how everyone`s so well-behaved !)

To continue this thread please post at :

*************THREAD NOW CLOSED - CLICK ON LINK ABOVE************

Clayts, Moderator

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 19:03

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